18: A Morning Together

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Just like always, he left me alone in the hut, while sleeping outside.

No matter how I tossed and turned, the sleep I tried forcing wouldn't come. The day's events flooded back to me. Everything that I had read in the journal, kept me awake. Giving up, I got up and walked outside for air.

Immediately, my eyes fell on him:

"S-Sumedh." I felt good letting that name out in a soft whisper.

He looked almost innocent when sleeping. Nothing to worry about, nothing to remember, nothing to struggle over. Walking over to him, his hard work became more and more evident through his appearance: cuts and bruises covered him all over his arms. Almost spontaneously, my hand reached over to touch one spot on his forearm. A bolt of shock at the contact of his skin, jerked my hand back. Out of all the times I did this, this was the first time it felt...different. A unique curing experience. I slowly reached out again, this time my mind more explicit. As my hand touched his skin, neither of us twitched at the soft glow. When I pulled back my hand, the injury had vanished. After a couple more times, his arms looked as if they never faced any of the weaponry. Satisfied, I stood back up and turned around to leave. But before I could take one step forward, a slight yank from behind stopped me.

Don't tell me he was awake. Please no, no, no. I turned back around, eyes closed, expecting the worst. Hearing nothing, I slowly opened my eyes to see that the Rajkumar was still sound asleep. Thank god. I don't know how he would have reacted seeing my healing boon.

My eyes roamed to find what was holding me back. Soon they landed on a small thorn that had snagged the end of my sari. Quickly yanking the cloth to set it free, I made my way back into the hut.



The bright rays of sunlight hit my face, slowly bringing me back to reality. I blinked open my eyes, adjusting to brightness. Expecting soreness from the previous day's work, I tenderly got up. But nothing. What? Looking down at my arms, I saw that they were bruise-free. It seems like I don't even have a single scratch on me. Not one sign of them. Completely gone! But how?

Suddenly my eyes fell on a spot of color near me. Turning my head to get a better look, I saw a small piece of cloth snagged onto a small thorn near me. Examining it, I immediately got the answers to my questions. She came here last night...but why?

Walking into the hut, I saw that she had already started her day. Hearing my footsteps, she turned around. She, surprisingly, smiled seeing me. "Hi!" she said, taking me back even more. Why is she suddenly so friendly? Something is definitely suspicious...

"Uhh...umm..." I cleared my voice, making my words come out braver this time. "You know, I would have liked to see you perform your magic while I was conscious."

Her eyes widened in disbelief as I held out my hand with the ripped cloth. Her cheeks flushed a deep shade of red, as I rolled my eyes. I turned around to leave, making my way out the doorstep.


I paused not turning around.

"I n-need to tell you something."

My silence, but my head turned slightly to the side, allowed her to continue talking.

"I feel we need to break this ice between us. Maybe it will help us go back faster...as you said we are not staying here forever."

Is she crazy? How did she recover that fast? Just a few days ago she called me an abductor. But perhaps Journal Uncle was right: she can help me. I'll just play along. "S-sure." That's the only word that could come out of my mouth.

"Ok...so why not start from right now. Friends?" she said, reaching her hand out to shake hands.

A bit too friendly...isn't it? She's gone mad for sure. I, reluctantly, nodded my head and started to walk out of the door, ignoring her. But once again her voice stopped me.

"Uh, being friends means eating together also!"

She's not going to give up is she? But as much as I tried to not, I couldn't stop the small forming along the corners of my mouth.



Wow...such a good friend. Didn't even shake hands. He really doesn't want to do this right now, does he? I couldn't help but let out a small laugh, just soft enough for him to not hear. But I won't give up. It's going to take time...and a lot of patience.

He returned after 20 minutes, freshened up for the day. Along with him, he had also brought some fruits from the jungle. Fruits again?! I swear if I have to eat fruit one more time -- Wait! What if--

"Rajkumar! Can we go to the village today. I need to buy certain things..."

He looked up in disbelief hearing my proposal. I could tell that he was bewildered, wanted to say 'no' but ended up saying, "Okay..." instead.

After having fruits for like the hundredth time that week, the both of us set out for the village square. His face was as serious as ever.

"Friends can let out a smile with each other, you know." I attempted. In return, I saw him take a deep sigh and walk forward a bit faster. Rude... I fastened my pace to match his. But he again sped off a couple feet forward. He is impossible. Now only I'll have to do something.

I reached out my hand and caught hold of his arm. Pulling him backwards, I turned to face him in the middle of the road. I don't think I've ever seen his eyes as wide as they are now - I bit back a laugh trying to stay serious. "Enough! Now you are following me. Come on..."

After reaching the market, his eyes still staring at me in bafflement, I took a good scan of the surroundings.

"Let's go there first," I pointed. I led the way while he trudged along behind, clearly uninterested. Once reaching the clay pots stall, I examined each matki (pot), mentally debating on which one to get. Still not convinced...I guess I'll ask him. I looked up to see him wandering away towards the other stalls.
"Rajkumar!! I need help!!"

But the looks on the shopkeeper's face, Rajkumar's face, and the public around us, made me realize how bad I screwed up...


Uh oh 😂! Sumedh will have to save the day again lol! And his excuse will be quite funny 😂

Mallika seems to surprise Sumedh day to day 🤭

Next part Monday morning 😣

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