30: The Shine of the Throne

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What's taking so long in there?! I swear I'm actually going to die of panic. A few more moments I waited, pacing back and forth down the corridor outside the door. What if they're fighting?! What if Sumedh lost his anger?! What if something happened to either of them, but the other doesn't want to show me?! I've held back long enough. Hesitantly, I made my way over to the door, bracing myself for the worst. Slowly, I pushed it open, mentally thanking Sumedh for keeping it unlocked. But as soon as my eyes processed what was going on, I couldn't help but stare at the scene in front of me, mouth opened, speechless.

"RAJKUMARI CHANDANI - LOOKING INTO YOUR EYES MAKES ME FEEL AS IF I'M STARING AT THE BEAUTIFUL MOON!" Sumedh hollered, standing, more like hopping, on top of a table. My eyes trailed over to bhaiya who had a sword in his hands.


My fear slowly subsided into amusement. Nobody in this world would believe the fact that these two are Rajkumars, if they saw these antics.

Sumedh opened his mouth once again, "Rajkumari Chandani...when I see your--"

"Who's Rajkumari Chandani?" I inquired, with suspicious eyes. All attention turned towards me. All in one moment, the sword clanked on the ground, Sumedh jumped down from the table, and his mouth was covered by bhaiya's hand.

"Uh haha i-it's, er-NO ONE! No one at all!" Just from the looks of his face: Bhaiya sucked at lying, but I didn't press matters any further.

"Umm okay then."

There was an awkward pause before Sumedh finally spoke up. "Respected Rajkumari, I don't want to force you into this marriage. I don't know whether you felt intimidated or scared by me, but I just want you to make a final decision right here."

Is he serious right now? I noticed him bow his head down, but his eyes still sparkled with amusement. Him and his overactions.

But nevertheless, I still took one last look of permission at bhaiya, who in return smiled. "This man is perfect for you Mallika. I don't think I'll ever regret this decision. Besides...I already noticed your curiosity on Sondhara before the swayamvar..." His look grew mischievous, as he winked at Sumedh. What is he talking--oh no! No no no!

"What is this now...?" Sumedh asked, getting interested.

"NOTHING!" But it was too late before I remembered...Sumedh already knows!

"Don't you lie to me Mallika." Bhaiya narrowed his eyes. "Don't you think I never noticed that map of Sondhara in your study, and your sly move to send an invite to Sondhara, and you asking the minister about Sondhara's reply, oh and you--"

"Is that so?..." The smirk on Sumedh's face increased the shade of red on my face. Why, out of all times, does bhaiya's memory--

But before I could complete the thought, the knock on the door behind us, grabbed our attention.

"My apologies Rajkumar Suryaveer, but you have to see what's happening in the throne room!"



It was just what I expected. The three of us rushed into the throne room; Suryaveer and Mallika tensed, and me relaxed. But I couldn't let them know that.

"What happened? Why is everyone--" But Surya's voice stopped as soon as his eyes met the throne. The shimmering, radiant, elegant gold throne. "I-Is this for real?"

I turned to the Rajkumari, to see her gawking at the sight in front of her. "Does this m-mean..."

They turned to look at each other, happiness having no bounds.

"Yes Rajkumari! I believe so...the curse seems to be broken! Rajkumar Suryaveer can be coronated!" the ambassador piped up in delight.

"B-but how?!" she exclaimed.

"That's a mystery Rajkumari! I don't seem to know why either. What if it's because of your marriage?" he replied in curiosity. I couldn't help but smirk, hoping nobody would notice. When I lifted my head back up to congratulate Surya, the Rajkumari was staring right at me - eyes filled with suspicion. Her stare was so intense, my nervousness gave me away. Next thing I know, she sent a hand signal to meet outside.



"Don't you think this is really odd?" my eyes narrowed, a sharp edge to my voice.

"Why'd you bring me out here?" he replied, his voice undisturbed, but the way he didn't meet my eye gave him away.

"Don't you think it's so odd how the curse breaks off exactly on the day of my swayamvar?"

"Uhh yeah, I guess. But I need to go back inside to congratulate Surya."

But before he could run away, I grabbed his arm and pulled back, watching his stumble.

"You never told me what you desired for...why don't you tell me now?"

And as my eyes dug deep into his, my theory was confirmed: he was hiding something...


Short part...but still wanted to post something for you all! 

What do you think Sumedh is hiding? Even you don't know what his desire was 😏

P.S. Suryaveer and Sumedh bro goals are to live for 😂😂😂

Do comment, vote, follow, and share! I believe with every artery in my heart we can get this precious baby to 1k votes! 😂😂💖

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