33: The End...is Just a New Beginning

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"R-rajkumari! Are you serious?!" Shrishti exclaimed in joy. "I'm coming along with you?"

I let out a laugh. "How can I stay away from my best friend? You're stuck with me forever."

"I wouldn't mind that." The very next moment, I received a bone-crushing hug.

"I wish that was the case with me," a mumble from behind broke our hug. I turned around to see Bhaiya sulking with Sumedh next to him. "Are you all packed up for tomorrow, Mallika?"

His shady mood felt dangerously contagious. "Everything I need is ready...except for two things." I ran towards him and embraced him tightly. "Suryani and you." Before I could resist myself, tears made their way down my face. And just as expected, I felt my shoulder get wet in return. I was leaving my hero, saviour, and inspiration; and something about that fact broke me down even more.

"Shh it's okay. E-Everything will be okay." The words of comfort didn't even feel like he truly meant it. But I quickly recovered myself - hoping I wouldn't make him feel worse.

"This day was meant to come. I'm sorry I didn't prepare myself." Bhaiya spoke as I shook my head. "You're my one and only sister. Just the reality of me being lonely stunned me a little."



I know this is supposed to be an emotional moment and all...but it's been 20 minutes now, and only the three of us remained. My patience was draining slowly as moments passed by; but I tried hard not to show it.

"Make sure you eat properly - especially since you're going to be a Raja now! If it wasn't for me you would always be reckless." she rambled on.

"I know I will--" Surya reluctantly replied.

This is getting kinda pathetic...

"I don't know how you're going to stay here alone!"

Yeah time to end it here...

"Don't even take care of yourself, always focused on--"

"Arey! You think your brother is going to stay like that always?" I put a hand over Surya. "Soon enough Chandani will--" I paused when I saw him glare at me. "Oh! I mean Rajkumari Chandani will help this busy man out. His lonely heart will be filled once more!" He slapped my hand away as I poked his chest. "I'm going to go check on my horse, haven't seen her in days!"

And with that I swiftly walked out of the room, pausing right outside to hear what I needed.

"Bhaiya, you know...if you truly can't get this lady out of your mind...why not confront her?"

"Sumedh's stupid antics are getting to you, huh! W-What are you talking about?!"

"You're stuttering."

"S-so what? And even IF I tried, why would she accept? I'm nothing compared to her kingdom."

"If she truly has you in her mind like you do...then she won't even hesitate to say yes. There's nothing wrong in trying; you wouldn't want to live a life of regret, right?"

"What are you implying here?..."

"That you should go ahead and try?"

I heard a long silence.

"I guess so...I mean o-only cause you're insisting me to!"

"YEAH SURE SURYA!" I yelled from outside.


I'm always here for you Surya...whether you like it or not.

~~~ The Next Day ~~~~


After a painful yet optimistic farewell to Bhaiya and all of Suryani, we started the enthralling journey to Sondhara. In the chariot, next to Sumedh, my mind wandered through unanswerable questions. Even though I gained all the knowledge of Sondhara's traditions in a short time span, the question of acceptance still nudged at me. I felt a hand squeeze mine, just to look up to eyes of assurance. Yet somewhere deep inside, even his eyes reflected the same unease.

"Rajkumar! Rajkumar! This horse of yours seems to be very excited; I'm feeling a bit giddy." Shrishti's nervous voice broke the tension.

"Haha! Yes she's like that - especially with someone other than me."

"Narayan! I hope I don't fall!"

And that finally made us all laugh. Strength, peace, and kindness is what you'll need...to win everyone's hearts.



"It seems we have arrived." I declared, earning everyone's attention, as the silhouette of the palace came in view.

"Rajkumar..." one of the guards started. "Would you like to enter through the North or East entrance."

I already knew what he meant; asking if I would rather prefer seeing the faces of the public or directly escaping to the Palace. And I had my answer. "Let's proceed through the North."

Because I have faith: there would be no use of magic; rather the power of love to win their hearts.



Seeing the curious and intrigued faces of men, women, and children gave me hope. Hope that everything will be alright. Hope that there will be a change. Hope that we will be accepted. As the chariot stopped with the crowd surrounding us, the moment felt frozen, as if everyone was in a state of confusion.

Beside me I heard Sumedh clear his throat. "Dear citizens of Sondhara, I would like to--"

"Hold on a minute." my whisper stopped him. My conscience was taking over me, preparing myself to do what I was best at. Slowly I turned towards the stairs of the chariot and to my surprise he didn't stop me. Perhaps it was the confidence we held on each other. As I walked down, I paid attention to the astonished looks mirrored off of everyone.

My hands automatically met in front of me. "I left a family behind in hopes that a new one will accept me. If this kingdom's own people disapprove of me, I have no right to deserve a stance here. In some instances, silence expresses objection...I hope that's not the case here."

The stillness that came as a response slowly paved way for an unease sense of anxiety.

"I won't accept you!" the voice of an elderly lady boomed through the silence. She wobbled on her cane as she made her way to the front. By this time, Sumedh had already made his way next to me, keeping a close eye on the tense atmosphere. The lady's weary eyes drilled at us at a pressured intensity. "I won't accept you alone Rajkumari..."

Something inside me piqued my curiosity. "Rather I'll bless both you and your spouse." She concluded as she took our hands gently. Beside me, Sumedh stiffened at this unexpected gesture, but slowly softened as he realized the reality. "Poor boy has went through a lot,"

Her hand reached his cheek. "And I'm sure you'll change that."

And later as we went inside, I couldn't help but wonder...how correct he'd been. Changes happen gradually, if not today then tomorrow. If people don't realize now, then maybe later. But for all I know, I would stand by him till my last breath. Engrave my own footsteps along his. Watch the sun disappear beyond the dusky horizons with him; only to watch it bloom right back up at dawn. Cause essentially: the end is always just a new beginning...


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