7: In Those Mesmerizing Eyes

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I ran across the palace, from corridor to corridor, knowing the way by heart. Finally getting to the balcony, I see the front entrance decorated in flowers. Hearing the drums and shehnai playing, the first Maharaj enters through our main gate. He looked up slightly, making me rapidly hide behind a pillar.

I stood there watching as Maharaj's and Rajkumar's from different places slowly made their entrance. But as I scanned their faces, none of them seemed to have won my heart. Where is Sumedh? Or rather...who is Sumedh?

I sighed at my stupid wish. It's like I would know who he is. I've only heard about his misfortune, not his appearance nor have I ever seen a painting of him. Even if he did enter, how would I know that it would be him?

I continued to observe the guests entering, just hoping that I would somehow know when he came in. An hour passed by. Then two. But no...nothing. Dejected and hopeless, I turned around, ready to leave. He probably didn't even look at the swayamvar invite. Who knows how many invites he must be getting? Why would he want to come to a petty and small kingdom like Suryani?

I was about to step back into the corridor when suddenly...



Throughout the journey, it was just me and my horse. And...Journal Uncle in my sack - if he's considered. I was able to convince Bhabhisa that I didn't need any company or royal arrangements - for only one reason: everyone in Sondhara thinks I'm going to attend the swayamvar, but only my inner self knows...that I'm going there to get a hint of the remaining riddle. "Your search will end for them...a glow from the sign..." I sighed. If only things could be more clear...

More time passed by until I could see the outlines of Suryani. Compared to Sondhara it was compact in size, not as royal, but at the same time it felt very peaceful. As I entered the kingdom, I noticed that even throughout all the struggle and low-standard living...people still ended up having smiles on their faces. Finally, my horse arrived at the palace - decorated brightly for the swayamvar. But I'm not here for that... I stepped down from my horse, dropped it off near a stable, and made my way through the crowd. With hopes nobody would ask of my identity, I sneaked around, confused on where to start finding answers to the riddle....



I had this feeling. It was like a cold wind had swept over me all of a sudden, In a split second, I had goosebumps all over my skin. The heat of the sun felt even hotter than before. One second it felt like I needed a shawl and the other second I felt like I needed ice water. My heartbeats quickened as I turned back around abruptly.

Stepping forward, my eyes met with the main gate and in came a modestly-dressed Rajkumar. I took another step forward, trying to get a good look, but all I could see was a head full of curly hair. As I moved left and right, I just couldn't seem to get a glimpse of his face. Could this be Sum- No no, his entrance doesn't look as royal as what I've heard. But who is this Rajkumar?...

Suddenly the voice of my best friend startled me out of my thoughts. "Rajkumari? Rajkumari Mallika? Oh here you are! I was looking all over the palace for you," Shrishti said, walking over to me. "There is so much that needs to be done that needs your opinion. See we have dresses, jewelry..."

I smiled at her, listening to what she had to say, but eventually started to tune her out, going back into my thoughts.



I entered through the main gate to the palace, just to come face to face with some royal advisor.

"And may I have the pleasure of knowing who you are?"

Shoot shoot shoot. "Umm...I'm Karmaveer from the region of..Zariyani."

The advisor looked at me weird. I changed to my firm face, one of confidence in my answer. The advisor looked down at his roll of parchment, trying to find the kingdom. He looked back up, suspicious this time.

"We are not aware of a region named--" he started, his eyebrows raised. I decided to play along with my new character.

"Excuse me?! Did you literally say those words? You do not know the kingdom of Zariyani?! What an INSULT this is!"

"W-wait listen--"

"No! I don't want to hear one word. My father...KING OF ZARIYANI...said that this kingdom would greet everyone with such dignity and humbleness. And you....YOU INSULT US BY SAYING YOU DON'T KNOW WE EXIST?! I will return BACK to my kingdom and send a declaration of WAR!"

"R-rajkumar! Please don't p-punish us in anger! I apologize for my mistake! You are welcomed in! Please come in!"

I smirked in satisfaction as the advisor scrambled away.

I took a deep breath and looked up at the palace, taking it all in. And that's when it happened. My heart started pounding...louder and louder...faster and faster. A glimpse of her face, just as she turned to the side, left me frozen there standing still. I was struck in a trance. Unable to move, unable to speak, unable to take my eyes off of her. I watched as she smiled, her face erupting into extreme confidence. "A lady whose smile is enough to restore the faith of the people." I watched as she pushed her hair behind her ear, irritated by it because of the wind. "She will make your reign as Raja something every generation will remember." I watched as her hands moved up and down in grace, as she spoke. "Who thinks for the welfare of Sondhara before her personal well being." I watched as she embraced the maid she was speaking to into a hug. "Whose heart is filled with utmost generosity."

I was broken out of this fantasy by another person bumping into me. I looked to my side to see that a servant had tripped and dropped all of the flowers in his basket. Ignoring the mess, I looked back up, to see a transparent red curtain - but what grabbed my full attention were the mesmerizing eyes behind it....



I turned around as a red curtain blew right in front of me from the wind. I reached my hand forward to push it away, when my body came to a halt. My gaze landed somewhere else. Through it, I met his eyes: looking right at me. It suddenly seemed as if time had slowed down. It didn't matter that there was a curtain in the middle. It didn't matter that I couldn't see his face properly. It seemed as if through his eyes, I had seen his heart. Without my permission, a smile shaped its way onto my face as I stood there watching him for what felt like eternity.



As if catching a glimpse of her from the side wasn't enough, she now stared directly at me with the same intensity. Suddenly, a gentle smile radiated from her face. And I swear, if it wasn't for the noise around me, that smile could have killed me right there and then. 


Woohoooo first meet? More like first glances! How was it? It certainly was beautiful to write! 🥰

This is low-key our favorite part! What about you guys?

What's going on in Sumedh's head? And in Mallika's? 

Will Sondhari's wish for her Chacha come true? 

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