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The slash of the sword was nearly inches behind me. Quickly recovering, I let my instincts take over as I countered the next predicted attack. Clink. Right on point. Twirling my own sword between my hands, I took lead this time throwing lashes in the direction of movement - only to be countered back. A challenge I see... Changing plans, I faked a move by starting from the left, but quickly switched hands to strike, catching the general off guard.

But suddenly, I felt myself being jerked against the hard chest of a body, a sword trapping me from escaping in front. My eyes are blinded, but not my senses. The rhythmic pattern of heartbeats could be felt from behind; and if focused a bit more precisely, the familiar scent. Ignoring the slight shivers from the breath falling on my neck, I squirmed in the tight grasp - but to no avail.

"Trying to be an equal to me, myself?" his husky voice questioned.

"Maybe even a stance higher," I challenged back.

"How intriguing. General, I think I'd like to take over from here."

"Your order, Maharaj!"

The sound of the door shutting created a provoking atmosphere.

"Step number one: always keep an ear open for unexpected 'visitors'."

I quickly composed myself to a ready stance, only instead, to dodge an unpredicted attack.

"Step number two: act on instinct, not expectations."

Suddenly I heard the sound of the sword clinking behind me. Turning around, I striked toward the motion, only to slice through plain air.

"I'm still here Rajkumari Mallika," Sumedh snickered from beside me.

I turned to face the direction of his voice, hyperalert. "You know I'm not a Rajkumari anymore."

"Step number three: Never get distracted...even by your own consort."

I trailed towards the source of the voice. A second later, I heard the sound change to my left. Following my senses, I turned and slashed my sword in front of me. Instead of meeting Sumedh's sword, it met with...curtains? Where am I? Following him, I have no clue.

Reaching for the blindfold, I took it off, adjusting to the light. Out of nowhere, Sumedh striked from beside. Startled and out of instinct, I lifted my sword to meet his right in the middle. He once again tried, but this time I ducked and aimed at his back. With a tricky counter, he managed to escape. As we fought, he began to advance towards me. Trying to keep distance, I countered his advance with backing up -- my focus only on winning. Suddenly, I felt the hard wall against my back and my eyes grew wide. In one big swoop, his sword inches from my neck.

I looked up into his eyes, not wanting to admit defeat. He stepped closer till our faces were inches apart. Leaning forward, he whispered in my ear, "Step number 4: don't fall into the rival's traps."

A furious blush overcame me as I looked down, not wanting to meet his eyes. With the flat edge of the sword he lifted my chin so that I was looking at him again.

"But when the Queen's King is the rival...there can be exceptions," He slowly leaned in, our lips centimeters apart, his grip of the sword weakening, when...

Lifting my sword, I pushed him away. Spinning around, so that our positions were switched, I held my sword to his throat. "Step 3: Don't get distracted. And step 4: Don't fall into the rival's traps. Maybe you should work on your own steps before you teach me, Maharaj Sumedh."

He laughed and dropped his sword. Raising his hands in defeat, he started, "Okay fine Rajkumari. I guess my Queen will always attempt to be one step ahead of me."

I smiled and dropped my sword as well. "I wouldn't mind being the equal--"

Knock Knock.

The sound coming from the chamber door broke the moment. As we quickly composed ourselves, the door swung open, revealing the person we least expected...



"Bhabhisa?..." my voice trailed off.

She started coming towards us, her face stern as usual. Although many others in Sondhara let their guard down by now, she was still yet to be one. It's been some time since she directly met us.

"I just wanted to check how things were going. The coronation ceremony wasn't too long back. Are all the royal duties running smoothly for you both? I've heard positive things so far."

"Yes, Highness" came a polite reply from Rajkumari.

"Alright, I'll take leave now."

Well that was short.

We both watched in slight hesitation as she turned around to head back out the door. Bhabhisa has always been a bold, strong, and dedicated woman ever since Bhaiya left us. Sometimes I feel, deep inside, she's too afraid to show her sorrow to the world. Which is why I've been so understanding all these years...she's never had anyone to share her sorrow with.

"And one more thing," her voice startled me out of my thoughts. "Sondhari has been insisting that you both, in particular, take her into the gardens...I won't stop her this time."

And there it was: an indirect apology. Things will get better...for all of us. I promise Bhabhi.


"Chachu!!" Sondhari ran into my arms as I picked her up.

"Soan Papdi...are you ready ready ready?"

"What about me?!" Mallika faked disappointment, pointing at the both of us. Yet even she knew, my niece held a special spot for me.

Sondhari giggled. "Chachi!! I'm going to walk in the middle, actually."

As we all walked hand in hand, a sudden realization dawned on me. "You two continue strolling...I'll be right back."

I left them, walking in the opposite direction toward the lake. Once reached, I kneeled down in front of the water, while swirling my sack off me. Reaching inside, I pulled out my journal - my only prized possession. Memories streamed through my head like a river current.

"Don't cry when the sun is gone because the tears won't let you see the stars..."

"Soon you'll figure out what this means...and soon you'll know what to do."

One last time, I flipped to the back to see any signs. None.

"You'll know what to do..."

"I believe in you, son."

Taking a deep breath, I stood up, holding what used to be the sun of my life. Before I could think twice, I flung my arm forward with all my might, watching the book soar through the sky.

You're right Journal Uncle. Life is surely an unpredictable thing.

The book had reached the top of the parabola and was now escalating down.

But you always have to find yourself first in this tangled labyrinth....

Midway there.

Oh and kismat? Well, it's the hidden secrets of our future of course; way in the stars. And now I'm ready - not to see the stars - but to create them.

And just before the journal submerged completely in the water, I could have sworn I saw a gold shimmer.


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