32: Together...Forever and Ever

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Without me realizing, jewelry was adorned. Without me realizing, an array of clothes were placed to be chosen from. Without me realizing, lavish scents, hairstyles, finishing touches were all being done. And I....was left praying I wasn't hallucinating - praying that this was real. Looking into the mirror, sat an elegantly decorated woman, eyes filled with mystery; and if you dig a bit deeper, maybe even nerves. The room was bustling with life as maids went in and out getting everything ready. One would ask me about one thing, the other about another; while I just nodded. I looked outside to see the sun shining bright, almost inviting me to a new beginning. Is this that new beginning that Sumedh assured?

"Rajkumari! Rajkumari!" Shrishti said, waving a hand in front of my face. Startled, I snapped out of my daydreams. "Come on, Rajkumari! What are you waiting for?! Everything is ready and the rituals are about to start! You cannot be late for your very own wedding!!!"

I could hear her continue her babble as I slipped back into my daydreams. Subconsciously, I felt myself get up and start walking down the long corridors of Suryani towards the main hall where the marriage was taking place. As we got closer, the music and mantras hit my ears and I finally looked up to find myself in front of the main gates about to walk through. It's actually happening!

Suddenly, the nerves inside of me really started to strike. There was no doubt in my decision of marriage nor a doubt towards my to-be husband, yet something still felt off. The thought of leaving Suryani, leaving Bhaiya, starting a new life, fitting in, it all came flooding in - at this exact moment. I stumbled a bit, overwhelmed by my own thoughts, but luckily Shrishti was there for me. She looked me in the eyes as she held my hand, giving me a quick nod of assurance, understanding my situation. Maybe I don't have to give up everything after all.

Forcing myself to put away those anxious thoughts, I focused on this reality. The gates opened and the splendor of the main hall met my eyes. I couldn't stop my mouth gaping open as the beautiful aura of the hall hit me at once. Flowers of every color, red curtains of grandeur, but the most compelling was the people. All of my family - the public of Suryani - had arrived with smiles of excitement. And that picture was enough to regain my confidence. Nobody is leaving anybody.

"Leaving to a new place will never separate you from these people Rajkumari." Shrishti whispered, reading my mind. My eyes sparkled as I nodded in agreement. "Now it's time to sit over there next to you-know-who! Narayan...he is looking so handsome!"

Automatically, my eyes followed Shrishti's gaze to see him - already seated at the mandap. Spontaneously, his stare changed from excitement to wonder as our eyes met. His gaze seemed stuck on my presence before finally shaking out of it. Everything around me went silent and blurred as focusing only on the man dressed in gold. He stood up as I began walking down the aisle towards him. My brother was waiting at the bottom of the step for me. A smile of assurance was passed between both of us before taking his hand. We walked the few steps up to the mandap and he put my hand in Sumedh's. One by one, as the rituals took place, I made sure to make certain promises of my own inside my head. Before I knew it, his thumb and index already held the pinch of bright scarlet power. His eyes never left mine as his hand reached to the partition of my hair.

"T-tum m-mayav-vi h-ho?"..."I am Rajkumar Karmaveer."

"If you even pick up your head and look back at my wife..."

"Rajkumar!" ... "She meant to say that I-I'm...I'm the Rajkumar of her heart!"

"Call me Mallika." ... "I d-don't think I can."

"O-one more thing...don't do anything stupid."

"I savoured the taste of the hard work behind it."... "T-thank you."

"I w-won't stop you from whatever y-you want, I'll never stop you."

"I'm just thankful I'm a strong and wellbuilt Rajkumar!" ... "Excuse me!?"

"Me in front of you." ... "And that's all this Rajkumar needs."

"I'm ready to take you away again, Rajkumari. This time...forever."

"Forever?..." his whisper started, tracing the start of my partition.

"And ever." I concluded, as a smidge of the powder fell on my nose.

And all throughout, no force could have been strong enough to break the smile we shared.



Out of all the decisions I made in my life, this is one I'd never regret. 


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