16: Blessing From Your Smile

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The next day he took me with him to get food. Events of last night's conversation, once again made me regret everything. I took a deep breath, hoping none of us would mention it again.

"Are we staying here...forever?" I gathered up the courage for answers.

He looked over at me, a questioning gaze in his eyes. "No."

Such a short response. Like no explanation, nothing? Just 'No'? Frog-Eyed Weirdo.

"You still didn't give up calling me that, huh?"

I gaped at him wide-eyed when I realized I said the last part out loud. "W-when are we going back?"

"I don't know."

Is it just me or does he himself realize how confusing he is. He knows we aren't staying here forever, but doesn't know how long. He knows the reason for all of this craziness, but doesn't want to tell me. What is going on in his mind?!

"If you have anything to tell me, you can you know?" I urged. After all, I'm stuck with you.



I wish I could. I wish I could tell you every single thing - but I can't. I don't want you to find out who I am, because once you know, you won't be able to understand anything past that.

Our silence as we walked made everything around us audible. The gentle sway of the wind, the chirping of the sparrows, the crunching of leaves.

"I'll have to start finding something to do around here." I spoke my thoughts out loud. "How long are we going to continue eating these fruits? We need money."

"I want to help."

I paused on my steps taking a quick glance at her. Determination. "In case you've forgotten, you're a brahmin lady now. Not a Rajkumari who can do anything she wants. There are restrictions."

Even without looking at her, I could tell she was scowling. You have to face the truth, Rajumari.

"But anyways..." I tried lightening the mood after realizing how bitter my words sounded. "A strong, smart, intelligent man like me will have no trouble assisting his fake wife. After all, if he's the Rajkumar of--"

I suddenly felt the land under my feet slip. The smell of dirt hit my nose. Did I legit just trip and fall...that too right in front of the Rajkumari!?!

I looked back up to see the Rajkumari tightly pressing her lips and fidgeting with the ends of her Sari, trying hard not to smile. She looked away, trying not to show emotion, but I already knew. "Go ahead...let it out," I sighed, turning onto my back.

She turned back around, a shocked look on her face. I immediately knew she felt guilty. Without thinking, a smile crept on the corners of my lips. But when she caught a glimpse at me, her eyes changed: perhaps mesmerized. Out of nowhere, a refreshingly melodious sound filled my ears. A sound of peace. A sound of calmness. Her laughter.



The sight of his smile was something so different. Something that caused me to feel a way I've never before felt. His smile was like watching a diamond radiate its brightness. His smile was like watching the slim crescent moon outshine the scattered stars. His smile was relieving, soothing, subtle, any word that describes the luminosity in front of me. I let out a heartily genuine laugh...one that I haven't released in so long. One that felt so reviving. One that had been shared only with...him. My hand, unknowingly, stretched out in front of me.



She lent me a hand, which I reluctantly accepted. I pulled myself up and let out a breath. The smile still didn't vanish from my face and her laughter still filled the air. It was at that moment, for the first time in my life, I didn't regret making a fool of myself.

Oh Kismat,

The moment felt so natural, so real, so...beautiful. But I shouldn't have let my guard down. I regret it with all that I have.



*Next Day*

Hearing the sounds of footsteps, I turned around to see him. He had a small bag on his shoulder. Seems like he is going somewhere.

Before I could ask him anything, he told me himself. "Rajkumari! I thought of a brilliant idea!"

His excitement was clearly reflected through his eyes.

"I'm going to try to see if I could teach village boys on weaponry! I don't think I would raise any suspicion."

I nodded in approval. "Also, make sure you take care of yourself. Don't open the door for any stranger. And try to stay inside as much as you can - for your own safety. If you need anything, let me know this evening after I come back. I'll try to make arrangements." With that he left for the day.

He's got something to do, but what am I supposed to do all day now? I sighed in boredom as I walked near the window of the hut. Days have been going by and my sudden arrival here makes no sense at all. I want answers but he always confuses me. I wanted to know why. I wanted to know how. But the truth was far from my reach. Just as I was about to turn back around, the sight of it caught my attention. I narrowed my eyes to focus on the image outside. Behind the tree, laid that magical book, carefully tucked close to a rock. Suspicious ideas spurred in my head. If he won't open his mouth, perhaps there are other ways to find out...


Bet this is the biggest cliffhanger so far! 😂

How was that Sumellika moment? 

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