27: The Return to Reality

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He stood there for a second, just looking at me. The next thing I know, he took me into his arms. The safety and comfort of them enveloped me. The familiar scent of him met my nose, and I inhaled deeply. It felt like out of any place in the world, I could be right here the rest of my life here - just like this. Suddenly the sound of resisting sniffles brought me back to attention. I pulled away just to see a tear roll down his face.

"What happened?!" I exclaimed, checking him head to toe in concern.

"The pain is inside of me Rajkumari. You won't be able to find it."

I gave him a questioning look as he continued. "How many things could have gone wrong?! I thought I lost you! What if something else happened? What if you didn't remember anything? What if --"

"What if you forget all that and realize this reality. Me in front of you. Me in front of Sumedh....Rajkumar Sumedh."

Before I could blink, I was back in his arms, so tight as if he would never let go. "And that's all this Rajkumar needs..."

Before I could give my response, a familiar voice echoed closer and closer to the corridor.

"Mallika! Where are you?....Rajkumari Mallika! You know I rarely call you that! At least answer me!"


Before I could question any further, I looked at Sumedh in alarm. Bhaiya can't see us like this! I yanked Sumedh into the nearest room, closing the door behind us. I turned to face him frantically just to notice a smirk on his face.

"Funny how last time it was me who pulled you. And this time our roles are reversed."

My eyebrows scrunched in disbelief as he just laughed out loud. "Are you mad?! We could have been caught! And everything's so confusing right now! Why is bhaiya calling my name...I was gone for so many weeks!! What if he turned into a crazy man because of my absence?! What if--"

But before I could continue, his hand was pressed against my mouth causing me to stumble back. Thank God there was a wall behind me.

"No time has passed Rajkumari..." he started leaning closer.

I stared into his eyes blankly, not understanding.

"The corridors are still decorated, your brother doesn't know about your absence...everything's...fine."

I breathed out a sigh of relief. All those days of worry and--

And that's when I realized our positions. Me pushed against a wall, hardly any space between us...and his eyes, a mesmerizing trap - engulfing me into their magic. Instinctively, my eyes slowly closed, waiting for the moment.

But it never came.

The coldness grew again and when my eyes flew open he was standing at a distance from me - his eyes frosty.

But before I could ask, he took the lead himself. "No time has passed. Don't forget...that also means the swayamvar is still up."

"Is that what's troubling you?..."

"It's not ONLY troubling me. The thought of YOU being in a hall for everyone to--put that aside! What about US?" His voice came out desperate. "I thought it was obvious...we're meant to be together."

"And that's not going to change." I challenged. "It was destiny's plan for us to meet this way. And I can guarantee it's destiny's plan for us to be together!"

His gaze finally met my eyes, but they were filled with darkness. "Then why all this? I'm the Rajkumar - forget that! To-be-KING of Sondhara. I don't even have to raise my sword to make all these people scramble away!"

He is impossible. I let out a deep sigh and inched closer. "We can't let anybody find out about all this! First, they won't believe it. Second, both of our kingdom's reputations will go down. Please try to understand!" I pleaded.

I felt his fists clench and unclench. Finally, he let out a breath. "So this swayamvar is going to happen?"

I nodded.

"And you want me to..." His voice cracked while saying the next word. "C-compete with all those other men?"

"Well...I wouldn't say compete. More like having the right brain. After all winning this Rajkumari's hand does not come very easily." I winked.

His posture finally relaxed, as his ideal smirk made its way onto his face. "Hmm you're right."

He took a step closer. "After all who could get blessed with this fortune right here...other than this Rajkumar himself."

We were once again in the same position as before - this time, my heart racing faster and faster.

"I'm ready to take you away again, Rajkumari." I could feel his breath fall on me. "This time...forever."

He leaned in, the distance between gradually decreasing. Once again, I unconsciously prepared myself. Closing my eyes, I waited for his lips to touch mine. What felt like forever, I finally felt the soft touch of his lips against mine.

"RAJKUMARI MALLIKA! YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW FRUSTRATED YOUR BROTHER IS RIGHT NOW!" Bhaiya's voice boomed from a distance. Oh no oh no! I totally forgot about that!!

I panickingly pushed Sumedh away, while quickly reaching down to smooth out my clothes - now switched back to royal - and combed a hand through my hair, while Sumedh grumbled inaudible words. But I didn't have time to laugh at his annoyance. "Don't. Do. Anything. To. Get. Yourself. In. Trouble!"

"Your order, Rajkumari." he bowed.

I quickly paced over to the door, but stopped right before I left. "You coming to the dinner tonight?"

He looks at me, considerately, for a minute. "Nah. I'll pass. I'm planning on spending all night thinking about this nearly impossible test of yours. And then make my epic-grand entrance to the swayamvar hall tomorrow!" he joked.

I automatically rolled my eyes, but couldn't stop the smile that had made its appearance.



Oh Kismat,

I truly am ready to take her away. This time...forever and ever.


Sorry for the late post everyone! BUT YOU GOTTA ADMIT IT WAS GOOD! 

I know there is one line in this part that melted everyone...can you guess what it is? 🤭

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