6: Doubts

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Preparation for the swayamvar was not an ideal option for fun. I saw as the maid and servants ran around, rushing to get everything done. As I scanned my eyes around the room, I saw Bhaiya talking to the advisors, planning out more stuff. Walking over to them, I could hear different words being thrown around. Guest rooms...welcome material...flowers...food items...wedding/pooja materials....dresses...jewelry... I wanted to block out everything, but it seemed that wherever I went in the palace, only one word was on everyone's tongues: Swayamvar.

But throughout all this chaos, there was only one thing that kept me curious. I ran down the hallways of the palace and arrived at the correct room. The advisor inside turned around at the sound of my arrival.

"Greetings Rajkumari. Do I owe you anything for this sudden visit?"

"Nothing important. Just wanted to check in to know who responded to the invites."

"Ah! Make sure to inform Rajkumar Suryaveer that we have plenty of positive replies to the invites we sent out. Kings and Rajkumars from various kingdoms have shown interest in attending. After all, you are a special one Rajkumari Mallika!"

This news that was supposed to seem exciting, rather added on to my anxiety. His response didn't exactly answer the question I had in mind. "Uh, every kingdom decided to accept the invite?"

"Certainly not all." My breath got caught in my throat as my heart raced in anticipation. "There were a few kingdoms who sadly couldn't make it."

I couldn't bear it anymore, I had to be direct. "Like Sondhara, perhaps?"

"Rajkumari...Sondhara is the only kingdom that didn't give a response yet."

The dreadful words gave way for negative thoughts in my head. What?! How can they not respond? It's either a yes or...no. Did our invite even get through? Or could it be possible...that Rajkumar Sumedh is still considering?...

"Thank you for sharing the news. I'll be on my way now." I tried my best to keep my voice as normal as possible. Certainly, the news of no response from Sondhara has worried me, and it was better than a response of 'no'. But somewhere inside...there was still a sliver of hope that I would see Rajkumar Sumedh.



Okay I take that back. The happiness of figuring out the first half of the riddle was short lived when I moved on to the rest of it.

It. Made. Absolutely. No. Sense.

Obviously the land the riddle was talking about HAD to be Suryani! Firstly, it was blessed by Surya Dev. Second, I've heard many rumours that the royals are very modest - always blending in with the people and showing no superiority. And when it talks about healing...didn't the royal advisor say the Rajkumari of Suryani has a healing boon? I tried to recollect yesterday's sabha, as faint snippets of it came back to me. "Currently, the kingdom is falling apart....curse" That's the misdone!

But what is the rest of the riddle... "Your search for them will end, where a new world begins." Now what is this supposed to mean?! Suddenly, I remembered the dream with Journal Uncle...he told me that I might not enter the portal alone...which means I have to go with an object, person, creature, IT COULD BE ANYTHING! How am I supposed to figure this out?!

Deciding to take a break from this headache, I sat down near the edge of my bed and rubbed the temples of my forehead. If only there was someone in my life.... And just before I could complete that thought, the door to my room creaked open slowly. I didn't even have to look up to know who it was. Sondhari. A smile crept across my face when I looked up, to see her peeking in.

"Can I come in, Mama?" she asked in that irresistibly adorable voice. Life has given me one chance to prove myself...to get a desire that would help me. So I decided to open up a little now - before I lose her love forever.

"Are you asking your own Mama for permission...meri Soan Papdi!"

She ran in giggling with a parchment paper rolled up behind her back. I assumed it was another one of her paintings.

"Do you wanna see what I made today?" she asked mysteriously. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"Of course I do!"

"It's top secret. Just you and me can know...okay?" Her eyes widened as she explained the mystery of the paper. I placed a finger to my lip and nodded my head, playing along. Finally being satisfied with my response, she slowly unrolled the paper and held it out to me. I gently took a hold of it and gave it my full attention as Sondhari snuggled in next to me. For a second, I pictured Bhabhisa's reaction if she saw us right now...But I won't get this chance again...to be like this with my niece one last time...

Just as I expected, it was a painting she made. But this was different - it made me feel more intrigued. Me on the left, Sondhari in the middle...and some mysterious lady on the right - in which I couldn't make out her face.

"Mama, I secretly heard from my friends that a beautiful woman has sent you a letter to get married to her!"

My eyes widened as I stifled a cough. "Ummm...Sondhari...t-that's not how a swayamvar w-works. I'm n-not supposed to a-abduct her or something--"

"It doesn't matter! The point is she will definitely choose you...after all you're my handsome Mama."

I stood up and bowed in front of her, making her giggle. "Thank you for that compliment, Rajkumari Sondhari! But I don't think I will be going...I have another important task to do."

Sondhari frowned. "But Mama...can't you just do both things at once or something! You're getting more and more old everyday...and I NEED to see you married!!"

I let out a dull laugh that didn't sound real. "Sometimes not everything you want--wait a minute!"

My eyebrows scrunched up as I tried to process something. "Sondhari! Sondhari! Can you repeat what you said before??"

"What? Oh, that I NEED to see you mar--"

"No no before that!"

"Umm...can't you just do both things at once?"

Can't I do two things at once...two things at once...I most CERTAINLY can!


"Huh..." she sat there confused. She wouldn't understand even if I explained, and before she could even ask, I already sprinted out of the room. Later that day, my startled Bhabhisa gave a nod of approval when I informed her:

"I accept the invite from Suryani." 

Ooooh interesting stuff is coming up! 😉

What do you think Sumedh is up to? Comment your guesses!

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Also...Sondhari is our only hope to make our eagerness of getting Sumedh married come true 😂

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