20: The Closeness Between Us

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"I'm leaving for the day. It might be late by the time I come back." he stated, his back facing me. Distant as usual, I shaked me head. Even though his words sounded ignorant, I could see how he was shuffling in place, hesitant to make a move forward. Just before I could open my mouth to reassure him, he started walking away. Sighing, I turned around to go back inside, but not before hearing the words I was hoping to hear.

"O-one more thing...don't do anything stupid."

I smiled at his antics, because I've been with him long enough to know what the words truly mean: Stay safe.



No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get her words out of my head. As I watched the children practice, my mind was completely diverted. She's always a wonder to me. Something about her...something about her words...something I can't figure out...

"Gurudev! Gurudev!" the voice of one of my students, brought my attention back. "We have something to give you."

I put down my weapon and turned to face him. He slowly revealed what he had hidden behind his back - a sapling. The other boys gathered around him and the group came closer to me. The little boy reached out his hands to offer me the plant. "Gurudev, this is for you."

I looked at the plant, confused. Another boy piped up, explaining the gift. "Gurudev, just as this sapling requires the proper nurture and care for it to grow into a healthy and beautiful plant, we need your knowledge and experience to help us grow into brave and skilled warriors. Please accept this sapling as a token of our gratitude."

I reached out and took the sapling into my own hands. Suddenly, I remembered my niece back home. I remembered how she giggled, how she snuggled with me when showing me her paintings, how she was the only person who loved me the way I wanted.

"Gurudev! Gurudev!" I was broken out of my trance by the calling of my students.

"Ok enough talking, boys! Pick up your weapons and continue practicing!"

I put down the sapling on a nearby rock, making a mental note to take it home at the end of the day. Because for some reason, I felt the care it deserved could only be given by someone else...



My surprise for him was done. I spent most of the afternoon working among the pots near the fire. As if just on cue, I heard footsteps walking into the entrance behind me.

"What is going on here?" his surprised voice made me turn around smiling.

"Today we will be having a proper meal!" I gestured to all the prepared varieties of food in the pots. He didn't say a word, but I took his silence as an indication of approval. He put his stuff down, washed his hands, and sat down near me. I served him portions of all the food onto the leaf in front of him. For some odd reason, nervous flutterings started happening deep inside me. Would he like it? How will he react?

I watched as he looked at the food thoughtfully. "Are you not going to eat?"

"Um, I'll eat a-after you."

"Weren't you the one who said friends eat together?"

Slowly, a smile made its way onto my face, as I nodded. I swear, he melted just a bit. I got situated right next to him, eyeing him the entire time. He replied to my glances with his own eyes in the silence.

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