4: Sondhara Receives the Invite

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Speeding down the corridors of the palace, I searched for the room in which the invites were being prepared. After wandering around, I finally found the overcrowded room, where people were walking in and out. Everywhere I looked, ink bottles, parchment, ribbon, all scattered everywhere. But I had come here for another purpose. I need to get my question answered! I tiptoed across the mess in the room, until I came next to Bhaiya - who had a list of kingdoms in his hands.

"Arey Mallika! You're here!" he exclaimed, happily.

"Yeah..." I replied, my eyes slyly roaming down the list of kingdoms on the scroll. Before I could read on, an advisor interrupted my focus. "Rajkumar Suryaveer, are we sending an invite to Sondhara as well?"

The purpose I came for has been asked right in front of me. Come on Bhaiya! Answer!

"No." Bhaiya's voice was sharp and concise.

What?! No! My mind scrambled for words that could sound convincing but not suspicious.

"Bhaiya..." Everyone looked at me. "Don't you think everyone deserves an equal chance?"

"Mallika, that will be an exception for Sondhara. You don't know about Rajkumar Sumedh..."

I needed to think slyly. "But I've heard that Rajkumar hasn't accepted any swayamvar invites so far...what's the guarantee he will come to mine?" This fact was true - Shrishti had told me. For a second, everyone in the room seemed to consider my words. I continued on, "If you don't invite everyone, it represents a huge level of insult - think about it....a kingdom as big as Sondhara not invited? If they feel insulted, it will only worsen our situation. Moreover, the right to choose my suitor is up to me!"

"I guess that makes sense.." my brother trailed off thinking. "...proceed with sending an invitation to Sondhara as well."

As I tried to maintain my composure and collectedness, my eyes gave me away. Just the thought of encountering Rajkumar Sumedh, made my eyes brighter with anticipation. And no one noticed...



Days have passed. And my life continued on in its usual ordinary way. No excitement, no thrill, no taste in life. As I made my way to the royal sabha of the day, everyone stood up and bowed in my welcome. Yeah right..all this respect they do with formality. They probably don't have any on the inside. Walking through the sabha, I climbed the steps to sit in my seat, just a couple feet lower than the throne.

As the slow and boring process began, I felt my mind wandering away from the sabha and into my own thoughts. But my daze didn't last long--

"This letter is addressed to Rajkumar Sumedh."

Huh what? That's strange. When was the last time something was addressed in my name?!

Giving my full attention, I heard the letter being read out loud. 

Greetings, honorable Kingdom of Sondhara:

I, Rajkumar of Suryani, Suryaveer, am conducting a swayamvar for my behen: Rajkumari Mallika.

The swayamvar is set for this upcoming Sunday.

It would be a great privilege for us to see Rajkumar Sumedh partake in this swayamvar.

Awaiting your arrival,

Rajkumar Suryaveer of Kingdom Suryani

Silence. It was as if nobody knew how to react to this announcement. Everyone turned to face each other, questioning looks clearly reflected on their faces. I could slowly feel all of the eyes in the room turn to face me. Suddenly, embarrassment and frustration came over me. Is this some sort of insult?! I never have gotten a single swayamvar invite so far...and even after knowing my misfortune they choose to do this?! What did they think they could do...reject me in the swayamvar in front of everyone?! Their audacity!

"Advisors, tell me more about this kingdom of..err Suryani was it?" Bhabhisa asked. For once I was thankful towards her, allowing me more time to gather my thoughts and calm down.

"Maharani, Suryani is a kingdom blessed by Suryadev himself. But 5 years back, it was cursed. The curse was that no one could take position as monarch and rule on the throne. Currently, the Kingdom is falling apart. Many riots are taking place, the people are full of misery, and the kingdom is in chaos," one of the advisors said.

Another added in. "But one thing is worth noticing. Rajkumari Mallika has been blessed with a special boon that lets her heal anyone or anything. The only restrictions to the boon are that she cannot use the boon on herself and she cannot use it on death."

After discussing a couple more considerations about Suryani and our benefits of an alliance with them, the Maharani finally turned her attention towards me. "Sumedh...what are your opinions on this invite? Essentially, the final decision is yours," she said, but I could sense a hint of misery in her voice. The anger inside me led me to assume that she was, perhaps, pitying that Rajkumari!

I stood up and turned to face her, my back to the sabha. "Maharani..." I started, noticing the surprise in her eyes with the sudden formality. "If everyone is this concerned for the Rajkumari, then I have NO reason to attend!"

I stormed up to the announcer, grabbed the invite, and ripped it in front of the entire sabha. Everyone stood in shock at the sudden change of environment that had taken place in the room. The sabha had taken a cold turn. Bhabhisa stood up in anger, the other following suit in respect and formality. "Sumedh! What is this behaviour?! You have disrespected this sabha and this invite. You are DISMISSED!"

Turning away abruptly, I walked out of the sabha without another word. Just as I left the door, I could hear the gasps at my sudden departure.

As I walked farther and farther away from the sabha hall, my anger turned into misery once again. My helplessness, my misery, my pain - everything always turns into anger. There is no one in this world that I can share my real self with. I closed the door to my chamber, letting the loneliness and silence envelop me into its arms. 

Oh Kismat,

I beg of you...give me one miracle...anything...please...


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