5: The Dream

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That night, sleep drowned me faster than usual. But that wasn't the only strange thing...

I was walking down the corridors of the palace, hands behind my back, rushing to get to the royal hall. One foot in front of the other, I fastened my pace, ignoring my surroundings. Just as I could make it, my foot tripped over something, causing me to stumble. I turned around to see my journal, laying carelessly on the floor. I picked it up, shocked, to see it immediately start glowing a radiant teal. I grew more concerned on why my parchment book was randomly in the middle of a hallway, glowing a random color. Sprinting back to my chamber, I locked the door behind me and placed the book on the ground. Next thing I know...the unbelievable happened. The book flipped to a random page, where golden words magically began to appear.

In this very book you wrote your heart out...in this very book you expressed your pain...and in this very book you begged for a miracle.

Shock and surprise were the only emotions running through me, as I stared in awe at the magic being displayed right in front of me.

So a miracle you will get, to have the biggest desire in your heart be fulfilled.

I started speaking immediately: "My misfortune is not a curse...it's a belief which everyone forced into their heads! Destroying someone's beliefs can never be possible. Therefore, my desire is to stay away from love for the rest of my life! This love has caused nothing but pain or misery! And most importantly, from this desire, I shouldn't be able to see fear in people's eyes. The more confidence they have that I can't show affection...the more confidence they have that they can trust me."

Not so fast, you murkh balak!

I cringed at the journal's feisty response, but remained silent.

Miracles don't happen very easily. You have to show that you're capable of earning it. Therefore, hear me out completely and carefully. There will be a time where I will start glowing again, next time a radiant pink. That's your signal to enter a portal--


LISTEN TO ME, YOU IMPATIENT FOOL! There will be a portal projected from me. You have to enter it and face whatever challenge lays in it...to have the greatest desire in your heart fulfilled!

"Sooo um, j-journal uncle...when can I go? I'm ready to face anything in the portal!" My face grew more fierce.

First of all...HOW OLD DO YOU THINK I AM?! What audacity to call me uncle!!! Second of all, to answer your question: you will realize when to go at the right time...and also in the right way!

I started to grow restless and frustrated. "Already all of this is confusing! And now your saying there is a specific way to enter this thing?! Ok ok...how can I enter your portal?"

Keep in mind...you might not enter alone after all. Let me be more clear!

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