17: Unimaginable Truth

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Fortunately, my vision for finding something to do has worked. With a few persuasive words, the villagers were happy to send their children to train. It felt satisfactory, finally putting some of my training from the palace to use. But even throughout the day, as much as I tried not to, most of my mind was on her. Is she doing fine? Did she eat? If any intruder tries to--FOCUS! I need to focus! But no matter how hard I tried, the unsettling sensation didn't seem to go away. And even towards the end of the day, something felt off...really off.



I opened the door to the hut, about to put my foot outside. 'Try to stay inside as much as you can - for your own safety.'

His warnings of caution didn't convince my adamant mind. "Sorry Rajkumar, but I need answers. I can't live in the dark anymore." I stepped out of the hut and made my way across the grass, to the rock. Lifting it, I took the journal out. Hopefully this thing doesn't start glowing again.

I did feel guilty: All these days he didn't bother breaking my privacy, and me?... Sitting down outside, I took a deep breath, letting all my hesitation out. Flipping to the very first page, knocked me into a big surprise. This wasn't what I expected...a journal? Now I felt really ashamed. It took every ounce of my determination to go on. I started reading. And starting from the very first page, my eyes started to widen. No no no! My heart pounded, my breath fell short, the air around me seemed to grow heavier. Every word that I read seemed to drag me into a deeper and deeper state of trauma.

"I'm reminded of it everyday. My "misfortune".

"Living like a lifeless being, being hated by others, hiding my true self."

"What did I ever do wrong that you gave me this punishment?"

"My life has no purpose anymore."

I couldn't! I couldn't read on anymore! Everything seemed scrambled, everything seemed lost, everything seemed...wrong.

"M-Misfortune...throne...k-kingdom?..." My whispers didn't seem to be loud enough for even me to hear.

"Meaning...m-meaning...all these days h-he was..." It took every breath of my voice to say it. "Rajkumar...Sumedh?"

As if this wasn't enough, when I continued on, he started talking about: me.

"I couldn't tell her the truth."

"She doesn't deserve to die from my misfortune."

"I, myself, would fall in love."

"I won't let her die because of me."

That last line rang in my head over and over. So many times, I started to feel lightheaded. Parts of the unexpected truth started to piece together before my eyes. The shocking words that I had just read buzzed in my ears. He was Rajkumar Sumedh, desperately needing a miracle to end his struggles. He was Rajkumar Sumedh, the exact opposite of what I expected. He was Rajkumar Sumedh....who completely lost hope in love.



I stepped inside the hut; the troubling instinct I had before still continued on. It was as if there was a change in the air. I looked over to see the Rajukmari sitting down - not seeming to notice my arrival. Walking over to her, I cleared my throat, trying to get her attention.

The sudden disturbance seemed to wake her out of her thoughts. She looked up to see me and quickly got up, her eyes full of yearning. She seemed to have wanted to say something, but refrained from doing so, once she scanned my condition: sweat, dirt-smudged clothes, and tired eyes.

"I'll make a quick trip to the lake to freshen up," I said, putting my bag down. Walking out, I didn't give her reaction a second thought. Probably just having a hard time adjusting to the new environment.



I wanted to ask him everything. Why did you hide yourself? Why did you lose hope?.

But one look at his exhausted appearance, immediately halted my questions. While he was gone, I imagined myself in his place. I would feel distressed, lonely, dejected...but unlike him, I wouldn't lose hope. I wouldn't fear love. And that's when it struck me - I won't ask him anything. I won't force him to make any confessions. Instead, I'll be the light in his darkness. I'll enlighten him until he realizes: there's nothing greater than the power of love!



I sat down outside on the rock, going through the day's events. Even though I was not in the comfort of a palace, I felt at peace. For the first time, I felt proud of the work I had done that day. Perhaps Journal Uncle was right: this living can be enjoyable - if you learn to accept it. I laid down, looking up at the stars speckled across the dark sky. Free, independent souls...all seeming the exact same when shining together...but only when you get closer do you realize...how different they really are...


Omg the truth is out! And Mallika has made a firm decision to change Sumedh's perspective. Will she succeed? 

Tomorrow's part is cute and funny!

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