15• Stay Together For The Kids

182 11 24

Toni Topaz POV

"Bear, I know you're there! Please open the door."

Veronica's calm voice echoed through the room, but I didn't feel like leaving the couch to answer it.

Good or bad, knowing my best friend, I knew that in a short time she would get tired of talking softly.

"Antoinette, I'm warning you! Open that fucking door or I'll break in!"

After realizing that I would not move a muscle to let her in, Veronica kicked the door, popping the handle and yanking scandalous barks from Yoshi, who, recognizing who she was, threw a party at her.

Even though I broke into the entrance to my house, I still didn't move, watching the television without much interest.

Veronica put her hands on her hips and looked around to see the catastrophic state of the room.
Close the door or try to fit, it's getting cold."

"Toni, what the hell is going on?! If I search hard enough, I can find a dinosaur in the middle of this mess."

"I'm too lazy to fix it."

"Or to live, isn't it?!"

I just turned my eyes towards her and turned my attention to the television.

Veronica sighed, closed the door, putting a weight on it so she wouldn't open it, and sat on the end of the sofa, placing my head on her lap.

"Please, it's been a month. You don't answer any of my calls, your home phone message box is full, your mom is worried. Look, we've never gone over a week without talking to each other. I'm worried!"


"No, enough, now I'm going to talk. I know the demolition of the château destroyed you, but you can't let your life stop because of that! Look, I asked the principal to keep your job at school, I explained the whole situation, but I can't hold the position for long."

"Then you can put someone in my place."

"Why are you doing this?!"

"Because I don't want to work at a school, Veronica! I want my fucking château back!", I let out a cry of indignation and she looked at me with a frown, "Excuse."

"Well, here's bad news for you, dear. The château is demolished and there is nothing you can do. Get up off that couch, change clothes and go to school."

"Sorry, I can't do that."

I heard the hissing of the kettle and got up from the sofa, making my way slowly to the kitchen.

I realized that Veronica was right behind me, but I made no effort to face her.

"Can you get that bag?"



She took a deep breath and released all the air, handing me a sachet of chamomile tea.


"I have to do what for you to leave this house and go with me to school?"

"I don't know if..."

Before I finished my sentence, I heard a familiar voice echoing through the house, making an unpleasant shiver go up my spine.

I dropped the kettle on the stove and ran into the living room, coming across the smiling image of Cheryl in a television commercial.

She looked wonderful in her black dress shirt with elbow-length sleeves and white dress pants.

Damn it.

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