27• I'm Your Doctor, This Is Your Therapy

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Cheryl Blossom POV

I took an almost watery sip of whiskey as I watched Toni eat with her eyes the lead singer of the band who played a calm melody on stage. 

My eyes read her every move calmly, from the moment her hands joined close to her mouth as if she were praying, until the second she held the glass of gin and tonic tightly and drank it away with the tongue. 

Everything about it attracted me, it was a huge and powerful red magnet that pulled everywhere without me having a chance to escape. 

Deep down, deep down, I loved this effect that Toni had on me, as if at any moment my body could explode in an ecstasy of hatred and lust. 

"You haven't taken your eyes off her since you arrived."

Veronica's voice came in thinly through my left eardrum, making me nod slowly, but without taking my eyes off my partner. 

What a funny and different word to treat a person who has been having sex for two uninterrupted weeks. 

I took another sip of whiskey and made a disgusted face because it tasted more like water than alcohol itself, it was to be expected that the ice would melt after so long without my touching the liquid. 

I waved the short, wide glass in the air and an Asian waitress nodded "okay" to the bar. 

"Who is that woman?"


"Just Chris?"


"Where do you know her from?"

"She used to play in a bar in New Orleans and I met her when I went to perform with Betty at a jazz event. She's a good girl."

"Of that, I have no doubt."

"So what bothers you?"

"She's touching what's mine."

The waitress left the glass of whiskey with just a stone of ice on the table with a napkin to support and left. 

I took a simple sip and took the excess with my tongue.

"And I don't like it when someone messes with what's mine."

"Toni is yours since when?"

"Since when wasn't she?"

"Cheryl, Cheryl .. falling in love with her is stolen, but it's worth it."

"I'm not in love."

Veronica gave me a puzzled look and I shrugged, without diverting my attention from Toni, who was smiling with all her teeth at the singer. 

"I know you're looking at me crooked and I don't like it."

"If you are not in love with her, what can it be then?"


I left the glass on the napkin and took the cell phone out of the bag, typing an alert message to Toni, but with the certainty that she couldn't see me thanks to the dense smoke inside that bar. 

I followed all the minutes it took until she read my warning and watched her eyes search for me in the darkness in the bar, but I did a good job of standing behind an obese couple who kept making out to the sickening music. 

"How can you just be horny for her?", Veronica seemed extremely uncomfortable with my statement and I just took a deep breath, shrugging again, "Come on, Blossom, you know it's not just that."

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