22• Auf wiedersehen, schwester

121 11 15

Marjorie Blossom Point Of View

"Don't move, I can hurt you. "

"Marjorie, don't do that! Look, I think we can compromise... fuck!"

The scissor blade made a cut of approximately four centimeters in her leg.

"Shit! Stop it!"

"Shut up, this is your fault."

I got off her and looked for an old shirt to stop the blood.

That red liquid making a shiny line down your thigh until it reached the sheet.

"I said you were supposed to be quiet."

"Do you want me to be quiet? Is it some kind of joke?!"

"Does that look like a joke? It's already stopping san..."

"I hate you."

Those three words made me stop trying to stop the blood and I met her nervous eyes.

"I hate being touched by you."

"Stop it..."

"I hate looking at your face, you disgust me!"


"You are despised."


My scream interrupted her speech, but it wasn't just her who caused silence between us.



"No, let me go, I didn't want to!"

I opened my eyes desperately and Tyler was holding me by the arms.

I noticed my soaked pajamas and sat on the bed, hugging my knees.

"No love!"

I crouched even more and Tyler came back a little.


"I won't stand by and do nothing about it."

"I'll be fine .. it's just..."

"No, you won't. Take a shower and get ready, I'll take you to Friederick."

Tyler got out of bed and left the room, slamming the door and leaving me alone.

I ran my hand over my face and wiped away some tears in the sweat, it was the fourth nightmare in three days, they were constant now.

I got up with difficulty and dragged myself to the bathroom, taking off my clothes and let the cold water cool my body.

Every drop that hit my skin was like a painful memory.

Everything was going back to what it was ... it's not fair.

"Marjorie, is everything okay?"

Tyler's voice on the other side of the door made me roll my eyes and took a deep breath to answer.


"Yeah, Ty, it's not like I'm going to drown in the shower."

"Funny. Mel and I are waiting for you in the living room, don't delay, I have to leave her at your parents' house."

"I'm going, you can be rest assured."

I leaned my forehead against the tile in the stall and felt the area cool.

Deep down I knew the reason for the current nightmares, but I didn't want to admit to myself that it was getting worse.

The point is that everything has been very troubled and I associate these crazy things with Cheryl's return to Los Angeles.

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