Caroline's Revenge

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The only thing that surprised Klaus more than Elena coming on to him was his reaction to it. He supposed he shouldn't be, he was a man after all, and she did look quite delicious in that dress. The material clung tightly to her breasts and he could see the black lace she wore beneath it. He couldn't help but wonder what she would look like without the dress covering it all up.

He also had to be honest with himself: he was enticed by Elena's intentions. He knew it was small of him, but there was a voice in the back of his head that wondered if maybe Caroline would be bothered by his sleeping with her best friend. He couldn't help but be enthralled by the idea. He found himself pressed closely to Elena, his hand running up and down the bare skin on her back. Her hands slid up his chest toward his neck and he felt himself growing hard for her. He pushed her harder up against the wall and delighted in the smile he received for it.

She looked up at him from under her lashes and was just about to kiss him when he heard a swooshing sound and then a "snap!"

Elena fell lifelessly to the floor, her neck snapped sideways, and Caroline stood over her, fangs bared and growled, "You are really starting to piss me off,"

Klaus smiled. Well, wasn't this an interesting turn of events.


Caroline pulled her phone out of her pocket, refusing to even acknowledge Klaus, and dialed Damon's number.

"I found her," she snapped as soon as he answered. "She was skanking it up over at Klaus'. From what I heard, I think she was seducing him in another attempt to be a backstabbing bitch,".

"I'm right around the corner, I'll come get her,"

Caroline hung up the phone, "Damon's on his way to come get her," she snapped, still not looking at him. Klaus simply smiled. He seemed way too relaxed, considering the position he was in. It only made her angrier.

In less than a minute, Damon was there, walking in and whistling at the sight of Elena laying on the floor, all dressed up with a broken neck. He grimaced at both of them and then picked her up and carried her out wordlessly, closing the door behind him. Finally, Caroline rounded on Klaus.

"You were going to do it weren't you?" she accused. Klaus simply smirked and walked towards the fireplace. He took a bottle down from the mantel and poured himself a drink. "You seem angry love," he mused.

Caroline was more than angry. She was furious. Furious at Elena, for being such a little bitch. Furious at Klaus for touching Elena. She would never admit it, but she was mostly furious at herself for how she was reacting. She shouldn't care who he chose to sleaze around with. She watched him leaning against the wall next to the fireplace, seemingly without a care in the world. He was so arrogant it made her angry all over again. The fact that he had a roaring fire in the beginning of October irritated her. It was 60 degrees out! The only reason she was wearing her favorite autumn trench coat was because it was too brisk for the dress she was wearing, but it definitely wasn't cold enough to constitute lighting a fire. She could feel the heat creeping up her neck. Was he really so obsessed with luxuries that he would have his house be a million degrees just to show off his marble fireplace? She knew it was a silly thing to be so angry about, but it gave her a place to direct her fury.

"Why are you burning a fire in October?!" she snapped. "Are you so pompous that you don't mind dying of heat?" She couldn't take it anymore. She untied her coat and threw it off of her on to the nearby armchair. She still wasn't looking at him, but she heard his small gasp. Slowly, she turned her head towards him and found him gaping at her, his eyes hungry as he took in her appearance. She had wanted to look sophisticated tonight, so she had chosen a form fitting black dress that fell just above her knees. It was sexy but modest, not showing too much cleavage. The only thing revealing about it was the deep V in the back that left her skin exposed from her neck down to the small of her back. Her makeup was smoky and she knew her gray stilettos made her ass look incredible.

"Caroline, you look... ravishing," he whispered, slowly lowering the drink that had frozen halfway to his mouth. Suddenly, Caroline was struck with a great idea. She knew how she would get her revenge. She put her hand on her hip and stuck her chest out slightly. She shot him another one of her accusing stares.

"As ravishing as Elena?" she asked pointedly.

He didn't even hesitate before firing back, "A thousand times more so,". He smiled. Her heart fluttered at his words, but she didn't let it show. She was in control and she had a plan forming in her mind that she intended to stick to. She looked down as if she were embarrassed by his compliment and then peeked back up at him, smirking. "Well, seeing how you were about to eat her up, I bet you'd just love to take a bite out of me,"

He opened his mouth, speechless for a moment. She could tell he was taken aback by her response, and she was glad. He seemed to pull himself together and smiled, "You know I would, love,"

Caroline smiled. "Here's the thing, Klaus," she started as she sauntered over to him. She made sure to put an extra swing in her hips as she slowly closed the gap between them. She was in his personal space now, breathing the same air as him, and she tried not to let his warm scent distract her. She smiled devishly and looked up at him, "I want you to,".

His mouth dropped open a little, and she took advantage of his surprise to continue. She had been afraid that he wouldn't hesitate, but now she had him right where she wanted him. She spoke again quietly, making sure to keep her voice seductive and gravely, "And one of these days, you're going to stop asking for permission. You're going to want me so bad that you're just going to take me right here, up against this wall." She placed her hand on the wall next to his head as she pressed her hips against his. She could feel his arousal between her legs and it made her sigh involuntarily. She could feel the effect that had on him and wanting more, she used her body to push him against the wall.

He wanted her bad, and she knew it. She loved it. Caroline batted her eyelashes up at him, relishing in the control she had over him. He was breathing heavily now as she said, "And when that day finally comes, it'll be because I turned you on that much, not Elena," Klaus' eyes flashed with anger for a moment and she was slightly surprised. She pushed through though, she was in control, and she wanted it to stay that way. She knew her last words would have the effect she desired. She put one of her hands on his chest, and whispered, pouring as much seduction in to her voice as possible,

"You see, I don't want her in the back of your mind while I'm screaming your name, Klaus,"

He shuddered under her, breathlessly he said her name, "Caroline,". She could feel his desire for her, coming off of him in waves. She wanted badly to let him act on it. She wanted him to push her up against that wall and kiss her hard. But she couldn't let it happen so she simply smiled sadly. "It's a shame," she said, the regret in her voice was honest, "that could have been tonight." She looked him straight in the eye so he could see her longing and before he could do anything, she was gone with a swoosh, taking her coat with her and slamming the door. She glowed on the way home, knowing her bubble bath would now be hot for a whole new reason.

"Revenge is sweet," she murmured, knowing she had chased all thoughts of Elena out of Klaus' mind.

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