Falling in love

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For the second day in a row, Caroline woke up feeling frustrated. Even though Tyler's werewolf bite had taken a toll on her body the night before, she still couldn't fall asleep. She was too overwhelmed with everything that had happened. The pain that radiated through her in response to Tyler's hatred made her feel like she was breaking apart. The guilt consumed her, telling her she deserved to be hated by him, but then she remembered the fire in her veins and it made her furious. How could Tyler do that to her?

Underneath all the hurt, the guilt, and the anger, Caroline was feeling something that only added to her confusion. A feeling she was vaguely familiar with, as though she had felt it before in a weaker, less concentrated form. It warmed her like a soft caress, floating through her in an attempt to heal the pain of everything else. It made it's way through her slowly, but deliberately, and as it did she realized it had been there for awhile, patiently waiting to take her over. It was only now that the feeling was so strong, she was no longer able to ignore it, no matter how much it scared her: she was in love with Klaus.


Klaus had been aware of his feelings for Caroline for awhile. He knew he loved her, that he was entranced by her. He had made the decision a long time ago to face those feelings head on so that he could control them, rather than be controlled by them. He knew love was a vampire's greatest weakness, and if he was going to succumb to it, he had to at least have a handle on it.

Klaus stared at his love for Caroline, focusing on it with narrowed eyes, trying to understand it. It was like a ball of light in front of him, filled with lust and longing. It challenged him, played with him, tried to beat him. But even though he was in awe of it, he felt comfortable with it, he thought he could control it. Klaus was so concentrated on it that he didn't notice the smoke creeping up behind him until it was too late, until it had filled him up and taken him over.

It was the feeling of being in love, irrevocably and uncontrollably. He had no hope of controlling it, or of keeping it from controlling him, for now it was him. Klaus was a man in love and it changed him. It made him afraid for her life, more afraid for hers than he was for his, a feeling he had never felt before. He was ready to drop to his knees and beg her, to promise to be good for her. He could do it all for her, he was sure of it, and the thought of living forever seemed to lose it's luster if that forever was to be spent without her.

He looked at the ball of light, familiar with it now, and laughed at the thought that he had once believed that was the extent of his feelings for Caroline: shiny, lustrous love. He realized now that it was something he still felt yes, but something that lived outside him, something he could survive without. Something he wanted but nothing in comparison to the raw, pure love that now consumed him.

With that love came an anger that Klaus had never felt before, which surprised him. He thought he was familiar with every kind of rage imaginable, but this was entirely new. He was enraged at the people who had tried to hurt her, who had hurt her, who had ever made her feel worthless or afraid. He would kill that Tyler boy without thinking twice. He would destroy Silas for threatening her and everything she held dear. Klaus was used to feeling murderous towards people who had done wrong by him but for the first time in a thousand years it was for someone else. It was all for her.

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