The Originals

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Klaus was trying not to think about how his family would react to seeing him. He hadn't been able to stay away from Caroline very long when he was on the Other Side so he didn't know if they even knew what happened to him. He could hear Caroline's rapid heartbeat and took notice that she walked a couple feet behind him; she was as nervous as he was.

He wasn't even sure if his family was still living at the old plantation until they neared the front door and muffled voices drifted out from behind it.

"Why are we even still here? I could give a damn about this blasted city and apparently Nik feels the same way!" Rebekah was screaming.

"Rebekah, Marcel has taken over our city. This could be our home. Mikael is dead, we have a real shot at being a family again for the first time. Niklaus will return eventually, and when he does we will welcome him home," Elijah replied, in his typical calm demeanor.

"They don't know?" Caroline whispered, her voice full of the shock that was evident on her face. Klaus only smiled at her before he opened the door.

"Hello brother, sister," Klaus smirked, holding his hands behind his back.

"Nik? Where the hell have you been?" Rebekah shrieked. Elijah stood behind her, looking between Klaus and Caroline, confusion displayed on his face.

"Well, it's a long story. Why don't we all have a drink and I'll tell you about it?"

Two hours and a few bottles of bourbon later, the Originals and Caroline sat in the living room in silence. Rebekah had tears in her eyes and Elijah began pacing in front of the window.

"How could we not know our own brother was dead?" Rebekah whispered, a tear escaping to run down her cheek.

Caroline had barely said a word since they'd arrived, only speaking up to help tell the story of Silas. She sat next to Klaus on the loveseat, looking into her glass. She already felt like she was intruding on an incredibly personal, family moment but she couldn't be silent anymore. The guilt was weighing on her too heavily.

"I should have called you," Caroline whispered. Everyone turned to her, shocked, as if they had forgotten she was there. She continued before she lost her nerve.

"I came to New Orleans after I found out. I should have come to see you, I should have told you. It's not your fault you didn't know, it's mine. I'm sorry," Caroline's voice was so quiet no one would have heard her if they weren't vampires.

She finally met Rebekah's eyes, afraid she'd find them full of anger, but was surprised to find a small smile on her face. "It's okay," Rebekah said, simply. Elijah took that time to walk slowly over to Caroline. He reached down and grabbed her hand. "Ms. Forbes, I don't think we've actually had the pleasure of meeting, but let me be the first to officially welcome you to our family," he kissed her hand and Caroline broke into a smile.

For the first time in her life, Caroline felt like she was right where she belonged. She laughed when she thought about how vehemently she'd fought against Klaus' advances. If she had known how happy she would be, how complete she would feel, she would have left with him the moment he'd asked. Living in New Orleans, seeing the sights with her hand in his, with no Elena drama, she felt like she was living on a cloud.

Of course, there were parts about Mystic Falls she did miss; her mom, Bonnie. She was so excited when Bonnie said she'd come visit, but she didn't feel comfortable asking Klaus if she could have a guest in his home, and even if she did, Bonnie probably wouldn't like it. Despite everything she'd done for them, she probably wouldn't feel at ease in a house full of Originals.

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