Klaus' demise

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It had been a week since Tyler had bitten her. It had been seven days since she realized she was in love with Klaus. For seven days, all she did was think about him, about what she should do with her new revelation. She thought about the way he looked at her and all the things he promised her.

"I'll take you, wherever you want,"

She found herself picking up the phone to call him. Every time she scrolled through her contacts, her thumb hovered over his name and just as she was about to press it she would think about all the horrible things he did, about how her friends would hate her if she was with him, and she'd throw the phone back on the bed. It was a never ending battle.

That is, until Klaus left. Two days after their bloodsharing moment, everyone started talking about Klaus rushing to New Orleans in the middle of the night. They said he was gone for good. He was gone, leaving her behind with nothing but empty promises and a broken heart.

"It's too late," she repeatedly told herself. She'd waited too long and now he was moving on without her. He was probably freaked out by her bloodthirsty attack on him.

Caroline did everything she could to distract herself. She even went over to the Salvatore's to help them with Elena. They tried everything to get her to turn her humanity back on, even torture. They reminded her that Bonnie might be able to bring Jeremy back but she simply didn't care. Caroline couldn't bring herself to sympathize with Elena, she couldn't even understand her. Not once had she had the temptation to turn off her emotions, even after her first kill when the shame and the guilt felt like they would kill her, she couldn't imagine being so out of control. Besides, even if she did understand, she was still pissed at that dress stealing slut.

Just as she was leaving, thinking it was time for another hot bath, any hope of a distraction disappeared when Klaus appeared in front of her.

Caroline shut her eyes against the memory, still shaken by the events that passed that night. Klaus had begged her to come to New Orleans. His words had shot warmth straight through her, "The truth is, I've tried to stop thinking about you, and I can't"

She'd considered it, actually thought about it: leaving her small town life behind and joining the man she loved on this new adventure. But she was scared, she wasn't sure, and she'd been honest with him about that. They'd had this honest, raw, real moment until he revealed that he wasn't Klaus at all: he was Silas. Playing with her mind, drawing from her darkest thoughts and desires, all just to scare her into telling him where Bonnie was.

Caroline shuddered. She knew Bonnie was hiding from Silas, trying to buy time before she lowered the veil, but Caroline had been afraid. She knew she should have protected her friend, but then Silas almost killed her mom. She'd called Bonnie, who had temporarily come out of hiding to help her. She trusted her friend, she knew how powerful she was, but it didn't put her mind at ease. She wanted to feel safe again, and there was only one person who could make her feel that way. Seven days had passed since Caroline had seen Klaus and it had been seven days of hell; She knew it was time to call him.


Finally, a feeling he was familiar with: Rage. Black, fiery, murderous rage. For the past week Klaus' hit list had grown significantly, ranging from mild irritation to unfathomable hatred.

Tyler, for obvious reasons.

Katerina, for sending him on this wild goose chase through New Orleans.

Marcel, for stealing what was rightfully his.

and finally, Silas.

That one he was looking forward to. He would do it slowly. He would make Silas twice as afraid as he had made Caroline. He would make him pay for every laying a hand on her. Klaus remembered the phone calls that he'd missed by hours, so caught up in all the drama Katerina had sent him to find in New Orleans. He thought of the voicemail that had shaken him to the core:

"Klaus, hi, it's Caroline. Look, I know you've moved on to this new life in New Orleans, and that's great. It's just that things are really crazy here. Silas.." he heard her take a shaky breath, "Silas is really losing it. He attacked me, he almost killed my mom" her voice broke on that last word and he closed his eyes, pained by the hurt in her voice, "anyway, I know this isn't your problem but to be honest I'm really scared and... I've never felt more safe than when I'm with you," With that, the voicemail ended, and Klaus' heart was tumultuous with pain, fury, and a maddening love for that girl.

He missed Caroline incredibly, and his heart glowed with her words. He hated himself for leaving her. He'd immediately called her back and left her a voicemail in return,

"Caroline, I'm so sorry that I left you alone to deal with everything. You don't have to be afraid, I'm on my way home and I will take care of Silas once and for all. It will be okay,"

It was so brief compared to how he felt. He wanted to tell her that he loved her and missed her, but he didn't want the first time he spoke those words to her to be over a voicemail.

Klaus made the return trip to Mystic Falls in half the time it'd taken him to get to New Orleans. His plan was straightforward and simple: go to the forest where he'd last seen Silas, find him, kill him. Then he would go straight to Caroline, even if it was the middle of the night. He would tell her that he had protected her, that he had made sure she was safe. He would tell her that he loved her and that he would never, ever leave her again.

"Silas!" he yelled as he reached the forest, fury already rolling through him in black waves. "Come out and face me!"

To his surprise, Caroline stepped out from behind a tree, smiling.

"Caroline," he breathed, taking a step towards her. She smiled tauntingly. "Come to defend my honor?" she teased. He was taken aback for only a moment; he was not easily fooled.

"Silas," he growled. Caroline smiled, "Well, aren't you a smart little hybrid? I wonder, can you kill me if I look like your little play thing?" Caroline took a step towards him. "Then again, you did just leave her here all alone and defenseless. It made it quite easy for me to threaten her," Caroline giggled. Klaus was shaking now, fury consuming him.

He lunged forward, throwing the Caroline look alike against the nearest tree. Before Silas had a chance to react, Klaus was in front of him. He shoved his hand through Silas' chest, trying to look past the Caroline facade and see the monster. He closed his hand around his heart and was just about to rip it out when the smile from Caroline's face faded. Her eyes filled with tears and her chest heaved with quick, panicky breaths. "Klaus," she cried, and the fear in her voice when she said his name made him hesitate. "Don't do this to me, please, it's me. Silas used his mind control, he compelled me to trick you. It's me, Klaus," she reached her hand up to his face, tears falling from her eyes. "Please don't hurt me,"

Klaus looked her in the eyes, torn. He didn't know what to do. If it was another one of Silas' tricks, he couldn't let it work on him, but he couldn't take the risk that it was really his Caroline. He couldn't hurt her.

Suddenly, Klaus felt a shooting pain in his chest, more intense than anything he'd ever felt before. He continued to stare at Caroline as her features slowly disappeared and Klaus witnessed Silas' true form. He felt flames erupting from the pain in his chest, his throat felt like it was closing.

He looked down in horror to see Silas' hand clutched around the white oak stake protruding from his chest.

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