Taking Over

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He had to admit, he was nervous about showing this side to Caroline. She knew of the horrible things he'd done, she'd always been aware of his capacity to be evil, but had she ever really seen it firsthand? He worried that his plans to threaten the werewolves would scare her away. He squeezed her hand as they trudged through the forest leaves together, trying to remind himself that they had been through so much together and if they were going to be together forever, she would have to see this side of him eventually.

He began to relax a little when she smiled at him, that smile she reserved for him only, the one that gripped his heart and made him wonder for the thousandth time how he deserved this kind of happiness.

The role of leadership came naturally to her. She'd insisted on coming with him to deal with the politics of ruling the city and she'd come prepared. He'd noticed that she mimicked his outfit, black leather pants and a black shirt, his a V-necked Henley and her's a soft, flowy tank top. They both wore leather jackets but she set herself apart by wearing blood red stilettos and matching lipstick; she looked positively delicious. He was proud to have her at his side as the perfect image of his queen.

Research had told him that the remaining werewolves dwelled in this part of the forest. He intended to reach out to them in hopes of making allies in his fight for control of the Quarter. Caroline had talked him into taking a diplomatic approach first but if all else failed, he knew he could rely on good old fashioned threatening.

They were pretty deep in the forest when they heard a rustling. They stopped unanimously, hand and hand, and listened to their surroundings. Klaus sensed a presence near them and his suspicions were confirmed when a tall, olive skinned man stepped out from behind the nearest tree. Klaus knew immediately that he was a werewolf, especially when numerous other people started revealing themselves cautiously behind him.

Before Klaus could greet them, the first man, who he assumed was the current Alpha, spoke in a deep, resonating voice. His words made Klaus' blood boil.

"You have a lot of nerve stepping into our neck of the woods, bloodsucker. I might be able to forgive you since you look so tasty, but I can't say the same for your boyfriend here," the man threatened.

Klaus was consumed with fury, first for being threatened, and also by the man's advances towards Caroline. He knew she had to be nervous standing in the woods surrounded by werewolves, even if he was by her side, so he pulled her hand, nudging her behind him so he could assume a protective stance. He expected her to comply immediately; she was brave but she also liked it when he made her feel safe.

As always, Caroline Forbes took him by surprise. Instead of stepping back in fear and letting him take the lead as he expected, she did something that shocked every other person in that forest: she laughed. It started out as a suppressed giggle, as if she was simply trying to be polite but it seemed like she was unable to contain herself and soon she erupted into her golden laughter, covering her mouth in an attempt to stop herself.

Klaus was still furious, but he couldn't stop an amused smile from spreading across his face. How could anyone stand in the presence of her infectious laugh and not feel the effects? Before he could ask her what the hell was so funny, the shocked and irritated werewolf asked for him.

"What are you laughing at, vampire?"

Caroline didn't answer him. Instead she turned to Klaus, still giggling. "I take it your reputation doesn't precede you in 'this neck of the woods,'" she teased.

With that, all his fury was gone, replaced with smugness and pride. "No, it appears it doesn't, love," he replied with a smirk.

She smiled at him, a bright, genuine smile, the remnants of her fit of laughter. "Well, allow me to introduce my boyfriend, here," she drawled sarcastically, turning back towards the werewolf, who looked absolutely dumbfounded. "His name his Klaus," she finished smartly.

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