Bonnie's Solution

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A/N: I know the timeline is off from the actual show and that Bonnie didn't have magic when she was the anchor, but hey, this is fiction. I hope you like this chapter, it's pretty long but I think it's worth it!


"I made a mistake," Bonnie said, addressing the room. "I knew Silas was going to kill Klaus. I told him Klaus' weaknesses. Silas saw him as a threat and so did I,"

Stefan looked at her strangely. "And your opinion on this has changed? I mean, I'm not usually one to agree with Silas but we spent months trying to get rid of Klaus,"

"Yeah, and if whatever 'mistake' you made explains why we're not all dead, it doesn't sound like much of a mistake to me," Tyler stated.

Bonnie shook her head. "I don't understand that at all, not that I'm complaining. Klaus' entire sire line should have died with him, but it's been a week and you guys are all fine. I don't know how it's possible,"

Klaus smirked for the first time since being on the other side. He remembered the group's first meeting, when Bonnie came to them distraught with the news of his death. He'd watched them all panic, not knowing he'd had one of his witches break the sire line months ago after his run in with the vampire hunter.

It had been the closest he'd ever come to death, and in that brief moment when he thought it might actually happen, his heart had filled with despair, thinking that Caroline's forever would be cut short because of him and the world would exist without her light.

Now he was dead, and if nothing else, he was incredibly thankful he'd made the decision to save her.

"I shouldn't have helped Silas kill Klaus," Bonnie continued, to the great surprise of everyone else in the room. Elena only looked blankly at her nails, apparently bored with the conversation, but Damon and Tyler both scoffed and Stefan's eyes widened.

"He has done a lot of horrible things, I'm not denying that. But he has also done a lot to help us and protect us,"

"Like what?!" Damon asked incredulously. "Terrorize us, make our lives a living hell? You're crazy,"

Bonnie looked at them all individually, with a fire in her eyes and a set to her jaw. Despite her hand in his demise, Klaus felt his respect grow for her.

"It's more than that," she spoke quietly but determinedly. "It's Caroline," with that Bonnie met Tyler's eyes briefly before looking back at the rest of them. "She's a mess. She-" She took a deep breath, seemingly collecting her thoughts. "She loved him,"

Tyler clenched his jaw in anger, but he didn't say anything. Stefan only looked down and nodded slightly. It was Elena who broke the heavy silence, "Well, it's not like anyone didn't know that,"

Klaus smiled sadly. He'd always been sure Caroline felt something for him, but he never thought he would find out via his death. He couldn't revel in the excitement of being in mutual love when they were separated in every way a couple could be separated.

Bonnie continued to stare them all down, as if she was preparing herself. Finally she spoke, her words resonating with finality, "I'm going to bring him back,"


Sleep was her best friend and her worst enemy. It was her only sense of relief, singing to her a soft lullaby after hours of shedding weighted tears. It promised to protect her, keep her warm and safe, if only for a few hours. Every time she followed the sound, fading into the blackness and drifting off into a world away from the one that tortured her. It would soothe her like a mother rubbing her baby's hair.

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