Caroline takes control

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*Mature Content in this Chapter*

What brings you to New Orleans, sweetheart?" the sleazy bartender asked as he leaned across the bar. Judging by the roofies she could taste in her drink, he was obviously both creepy and unaware that Caroline was a vampire.

"Guess he picked the wrong girl to rape tonight," she thought dryly.

The thought put a twinge in her stomach. For some reason it made her think of Damon, but she couldn't understand why and she didn't care enough to pursue the thought.

All she knew was that she wouldn't feel bad after she killed this sleazeball. Of course, she wouldn't have felt bad if he was a gentleman either; she didn't feel anything. But at least this way, she would be ridding the world of a rapist.

"Well, the love of my life ditched me to come here. I decided to come see what all the hype was about," she answered slyly, sucking on her straw as she looked up at him.

He smiled back enthusiastically. "Well, New Orleans is a great city, but I can't imagine leaving a girl like you for anything,"

Caroline only took a long pull from her drink in response. He watched her hungrily, obviously impatient for the drugs to kick in. She wanted to cut to the chase just as much as he did, so she drooped her eyes heavily, placing her head in her hands. He leaned over and touched her arm.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Was he seriously pretending to be concerned about her? Damn, this guy was laying it on thick. If she'd had her emotions on, her stomach would have rolled thinking about how many other girls he had done this to, girls that were a lot more defenseless than she was. But she didn't have any emotions now, so all she thought about was getting what she wanted before she made sure he never drugged another girl again.

She looked up and around slowly. "Yeah, I'm okay. But I'm the only one here. It must be getting late," she slurred her speech a little.

"Yeah, it's about closing time," he smiled.

She hopped off the bar stool and walked slowly around the bar, dragging her feet with every step and swaying her hips until she was right in front of him. She placed a finger on his chest and pouted up at him. "Does that mean you want me to leave?"

He took a step closer to her and smiled maliciously. "No, I want you to stay,"

She smiled seductively and kissed him.

He wasted no time, apparently used to late night hookups behind the bar. He grabbed her ass and pulled her closer to him. She parted her mouth slightly in response, inviting him in. Then they were making out, hot, wet kisses as he ran his hands all over her body and she ripped his shirt off. He picked her up and pushed her roughly on the bar, running his hands up her legs.

He didn't seem to be too concerned with her pleasure, probably assuming that she was too drug induced to care anyway. He pulled off her panties, and started undoing his pants. Caroline rolled her eyes internally, not the least bit affected by the drugs or the alcohol. The only reason this creep was still alive was because she needed to satisfy her regular lust before she killed him with her bloodlust. There was no way in hell she was going to sit there and pretend to enjoy herself while he actually did; she'd done that enough with Tyler.

She grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him up on the bar next to her. His eyes widened in surprise but before he could say anything she climbed on top of him and kissed him again. She was wet and ready now, physical desire being the only emotion left inside her. She rubbed herself against his hardness, moaning into his mouth at the pleasure it gave her. He was moaning now too, seemingly enjoying the change in control.

"Good," she thought to herself, "because you're never going to control anyone ever again,"

She reached down and positioned the tip of his cock right at her opening, teasing him. She pulled back from their kiss, looking at him through hooded eyes.

"Do you want me?" she asked breathlessly. His mouth was slack with desire and he only nodded at her, seemingly incapable of speech. She kissed him again and lowered herself onto him, pushing him deep inside her. They both moaned.

Her goal was to finish before he did; she didn't want him to have any pleasure before she killed him. The remembrance of her impending, uninhibited feeding turned her on even more and she rode him faster, making sure her clit rubbed against him just the right way every time. The pleasure was inescapable, and it wasn't long before she felt her orgasm approaching. He ran his hands down her back and rested them on her ass, pulling her deeper with every thrust. She grabbed on to his arms for leverage, grinding her hips harder and harder, relishing the pressure on her clit. It felt so good to take control, to take what she wanted. Caroline threw her head back and moaned in ecstasy as she rode out the rest of her orgasm.

When she was done, she pulled herself off him and hopped down from the bar.

"Wait, I'm not done yet!" he exclaimed as she pulled her panties on. She threw him a sideways glance, "I know,"

His brown eyes flashed with anger. He got down from the bar and grabbed her arm, probably planning on forcing her to finish him off. She felt that twinge in the pit of her stomach again, but the feeling was overpowered by her thirst.

She growled at him suddenly, fangs bared and veins pulsing under her eyes.

"What the fu-" he immediately began fumbling with is pants, trying to pull them back on. He backed away from her slowly and she followed every step just as slowly, the click of her heels over the sticky floor echoing through the empty bar. She could hear his heart racing, she could smell the fear rolling off him. It only enticed her more.

Suddenly, he turned around and sprinted through an opening at the end of the bar. She heard him open the back door that lead into the brick alleyway and an evil smile spread across her face. The chase was her favorite part. She flashed through the bar, running with vampire speed until she was in front of him at the entrance of the alley, snarling. He gasped and started backing away from her again.

"Please, I-" she threw him against the brick wall before he could finish his pleading and then flashed in front of him.

"This is for drugging me," she growled. Then she dug her fangs into his neck, draining every drop of blood from his body while he screamed.

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