Make me Forget

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"It took you long enough," Caroline grinned. She extended a hand to help him up. He could see the pain tucked behind her eyes but he knew this is what she needed: they would deal with everything first and then when they got home, into the dark privacy of their bed, she would let herself fall apart in his arms. He was aching for her already, to hold her and tell her how sorry he was that he hadn't protected her.

But they both knew it would have to wait. So Klaus smirked in response and let her pull him to his feet.

"I'm glad to see you're feeling better, love," he said.

They rushed upstairs together to take in the current situation. It was pretty much handled. They witches had disappeared but Klaus didn't mind; they'd done their part. Rebekah, Elijah, and the hybrids seemed to have taken down a good number of the current vampire army. He considered keeping some of them alive, giving them the chance to form with his alliance, but he knew if he did that he would always question their loyalty; it was better to start fresh.

With his and Caroline's help, the vampires began to thin quickly. He was glad that they were hardly a fight against him so he could keep an eye on Caroline. Even the way she fought was beautiful; if he wasn't engaged himself he would have been completely entranced by her, willing to watch her for ages, turning around, blonde hair flowing to follow as she threw blows and directed kicks. He couldn't deny that the sight of her vampire face and the sound of her little grunts turned him on.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Kol flash by with Bonnie in his arms. He wanted to tease his little brother for his infatuation with the little witch but he knew it would be entirely hypocritical. He continued to to fight along with his love and his family until the compound was littered with dead vampires. They all stood, out of breath and looked around, assessing if there was any threat left. When none was found, Elijah stepped forward.

"We'll take care of this, Niklaus. Take her home," he offered. Rebekah nodded behind him, a sad mist of sympathy in her eyes as she looked at the girl she now considered her sister. The fact that Caroline didn't immediately protest told Klaus that her strength was waning. He came beside her and rested his hand on her lower back as to guide her home. She paused for a moment and gazed at Elijah and Rebekah.

"Thank you," she whispered, giving them a small smile. They both offered her one in return.

Klaus felt her little fingers curl in his; he was struck by how cold they were. He raced home with her in tow and didn't stop until they were in their bedroom. He didn't bother to turn the lights on, he simply picked her up and carried her to their bed. He could feel the tears running down her face when she pressed her cheek against his chest.

"Bonnie?" he heard her ask. His angel, full of light, always putting others first.

"She's safe, she's okay. Kol's taking care of her," he soothed, while he set her down on top of the fluffy, white comforter. He took her shoes and her jacket off before doing away with his as well. He climbed into bed next to her and pulled her close.

"Come here, sweetheart," he murmured against her hair before placing a gentle kiss there. He cradled her to him, stroking her arms and her back as she finally began to sob.

"It's okay, love, it's okay. You're safe now. I love you, Caroline, I love you," he rocked her back and forth until her cries quieted, her ragged breathing evened out and she finally fell asleep in his arms.


Bonnie wasn't sure if this was a dream or a nightmare, but she knew it couldn't possibly be real. It didn't feel real. Everything seemed so hazy, colors blurred together, nothing made sense. The sharp pain of the knife, the emptiness she'd felt when that witch had suppressed her powers, the cold, dark room they'd kept her in. The sounds of Caroline's screams, and someone else's, screams that sounded familiar but distant at the same time. They couldn't possibly be her's, right?

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