Caroline finds out

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What Caroline needed was a girls night. She needed to hang out with Bonnie, watch Dirty Dancing and drink whatever cheap wine her mom kept in the house. It would help, even if she couldn't tell Bonnie why she was so heartbroken. What would she say? "I realized I'm in love with Klaus, I left him a whiney voicemail and haven't heard from him since". Bonnie would think she was crazy.

So when Bonnie did arrive with her own bottle of cheap wine and Legally Blonde, Caroline was all smiles. She couldn't let on that she was lovesick over a man everyone hated.

"Bonnie, how was your day?" she asked cheerfully, pouring them both a glass. Bonnie took hers with a tired sigh.

"Kind of rough. A whole coven of witches passed through me in the middle of the night and I couldn't fall back asleep. They were burned to death."

Caroline winced sympathetically. Ever since Silas had made Bonnie the anchor to set Amara free, she'd felt the death of every supernatural being that passed through her to the other side. Sometimes Bonnie would be laughing happily and then suddenly start talking to someone no one could else could see. She would bend over, moaning with pain, as the ghost of a witch, or a vampire, or a werewolf passed painfully through her.

"What about you?" Bonnie asked. "How are you doing with the whole Tyler thing?"

Bonnie didn't know the extent of what happened between Caroline and Tyler, only that they had broken up. Caroline rolled her eyes and sighed. "He's a jerk, I'm over it." Bonnie only smiled.

So commenced their quiet girls' night. Sitting on the couch, sharing Caroline's pink blanket, eating cookies and drinking their cheap wine. They watched all their favorite movies and talked about everything. Caroline had hoped it would distract her from her thoughts about Klaus but the whole time all she could think about was being honest with her friend; She so desperately wanted to get her dirty secret off her chest.

Bonnie was in the middle of telling Caroline some story about a family vacation with her Grams when Caroline just blurted it out.

"I asked Klaus to come back"

Bonnie faltered, confused. "Why?"

"Bonnie, I.." she stammered. What was she supposed to say? "I guess with everything going on with Silas, I just...I don't know." Caroline took a deep breath. "I miss him, Bonnie. I think that I was.." she couldn't finish. She had revealed too much already. She stared down into her wine, afraid to look up and see Bonnie's horrified expression.

To her surprise, Bonnie rested her hand on top of Caroline's. "I know, Caroline. I've seen the two of you, and I think you were trying really hard to not let him get to you," Bonnie smiled kindly. "But you can't always control your heart, sweetie."

Caroline smiled, sighing with relief. She should have known Bonnie would be loving and accepting. That's why they were best friends. Caroline smiled even broader, so great was her relief. She felt a heavy weight lifting off her shoulders.

Suddenly, Bonnie sat up straight, ripping her hand away from Caroline.

"Klaus?" she said.

Caroline spun around frantically, filled with both an anticipation to see him and horror that he had heard everything. Her heart beat wildly with panic, but when she turned around, there was no one there.

She smiled, sighing with relief. "Bonnie Bennet, that is so not fun-" But Bonnie wasn't laughing. She was looking past Caroline at the empty space behind her. Her eyes were filled with tears, and her jaw was dropped with shock.

"How is this possible? What happened?" Bonnie's voice was barely over a whisper, still addressing the empty space over Caroline's shoulder. Caroline looked behind her again, trying to understand what was happening. There was no one there, what was Bonnie talki-

"No," Caroline breathed, filling with dread as she realized what was happening. She stood up, backing away from Bonnie and the couch. "No, Bonnie that's not possible. Y-you're hallucinating" But Bonnie didn't seem to hear her. She was still looking up at the empty space.

"No, no, no, no, no, this isn't happening. This can't be happening," Caroline whispered to herself, still backing away until she was pressed against the wall. It wasn't possible. It couldn't happen.

Just then, Bonnie screamed in pain, grabbing her chest.

"No!" Caroline screamed, tears streaming down her face before she even realized she was crying. "No, Bonnie, no don't-" Caroline choked, sobbing now. She slid to ground. Bonnie rushed over to her, stroking her hair and her arms.


"No, no, no, don't Bonnie, please don't-" she had her hands over her ears now, as if she was trying not to hear what she already knew. She felt Bonnie sit down next to her and put her arms around her.

"I'm sorry, Caroline," she said, kissing her head.

Caroline felt like she was drowning. She couldn't breath and everything in her chest, her heart, her lungs, screamed at her for some kind of relief. It wasn't possible, it couldn't be happening to her, he couldn't be dead.

She collapsed completely into Bonnie's arms, sobbing uncontrollably. She couldn't feel anything but the pain in her chest and the sobs that racked her with every shaky breath. Bonnie held her, stroking her hair and her back. Caroline sobbed for what seemed like hours, sometimes saying "Please don't leave me,".

When Caroline had cried herself into exhaustion, she let Bonnie help her to her room. Bonnie tucked her into bed, like she was a child afraid of a thunderstorm or a nightmare. She smoothed her hair back and just before Caroline fell into a restless sleep, Bonnie asked her what she had been wondering since they'd been on the couch earlier.

"You loved him, didn't you sweetie?"

Caroline's eyes fluttered open, tears spilling out of them endlessly. Her throat was so raw with screaming and crying she was barely able to respond.

"Yes. And now he'll never know," and with that, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Bonnie stroked her hair before looking back at Klaus' ghost, standing in the back of Caroline's room with tears in his eyes. She smiled sadly at him.

He knew.

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