Come Home

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"Please," Caroline scoffed. "He would like me better this way,"

The words pierced Klaus straight through the heart. He would give anything, anything, to be there with her and tell her that it wasn't true. He missed her light, her spark, her smile. He missed how easily she became frustrated, or how quickly she would retort to his advances with sarcasm. He missed her emotion. Stefan had been right when he said her humanity was what Klaus loved the most about her.

Every moment he had spent on the other side he had spent next to her, trying hopelessly to comfort her; until she turned her humanity off. He still loved her, he still wanted to be with her but he couldn't watch her have one night stands with disgusting bartenders or hear her say things like, "The love of my life ditched me to come here,"

He did enjoy some aspects, like seeing her give into her vampire nature and feed uninhibited. Unfortunately, for every small thing he enjoyed about this new Caroline, he lost all the big things he loved.

It broke his heart.

He also couldn't risk staying in New Orleans too long when Bonnie required his presence in Mystic Falls. The way she explained it, he had to be in a very specific place, along with Alaric and Jeremy when she created the doorway for them. She wouldn't be able to maintain it for long, so they had to be ready.

It was the morning of the winter solstice. The veil was down in Mystic Falls, but Caroline was in New Orleans so he had no reason to be there. He had exactly twelve hours before he had to be at the doorway and he intended to spend it with Caroline, even if she couldn't see him. He followed her down the street as she talked on the phone with Stefan, who was begging her to come back to Mystic Falls. He must have mentioned Klaus to make Caroline reply with those hideous words.

"Please, he would like me better this way,"

Klaus shuddered. He followed her through the city, forcing himself to watch as she drank from strangers in alleyways. At some point she acquired a bottle of whiskey from a sketchy bar and carried it with her as she explored the streets of New Orleans.

It was all wrong. He was supposed to be there with her, holding her hand and showing her the attractions, telling her stories of a history that hadn't made it into the textbooks. He should have been taking her to his favorite restaurant or kissing her in the middle of Bourbon street. Instead, he watched as she walked through the streets aimlessly, her eyes dead rather than filled with the spark and wonder he'd come to love.

He was about to abandon hope and return to Mystic Falls when Caroline walked into a karaoke bar, seemingly attracted to the music she heard. He followed her, curious to see what had intrigued her. What he discovered did not disappoint him; it filled him with a new optimism for her humanity. As Caroline looked around the bar, surrounded by music and singing voices, and the calls of an encouraging audience, her eyes sparked with a shadow of that light that he missed so much.

So he had learned something new about her; if art was his passion, hers was music. The realization made him smile.

She stayed in that bar all afternoon, watching every person try their hand at karaoke. Some had real talent and moved the crowd to their feet while others were simply drunk and taking advantage of their liquid courage. Klaus was as entranced with her as she was with the music. He couldn't help but drink in the way her hips swayed to the rhythm or how effortlessly she clapped and sang along. It was a beautiful thing to see her so much in her element.

When the sky darkened, he found it hard to tear himself away from her. He only hoped that if he made it back through the veil, it wouldn't take long. His need for Caroline was overpowering him and he didn't think he would last much longer without her.


"How am I just hearing about this now?!" Bonnie screeched through her teeth. Stefan gave her an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry, I just figured you needed to concentrate. I never thought she would run off to New Orleans,"

Bonnie tried to calm herself. She couldn't let her anger get out of control; she needed every ounce of strength to complete the spell.

"Just go be with Elena. I know she's been having a really hard time since she turned her humanity back on. Hopefully, Jeremy will be here soon and so will Klaus. He's the only one that can help Caroline now,"

Stefan nodded and left Bonnie alone in the woods. The moon was high in the sky. She could feel the power of the first spell running through her, keeping the veil down. She was one with the Earth and the moon, a full circle of powers drawing from one another. Her preparation had served her well, her strength had peaked; it was time.

Bonnie stood in the rich soil of the Earth, feeling nature's power running through her and began the spell that would create a doorway between the two sides. In the edges of her peripheral vision, she saw Jeremy, Klaus, and Alaric watching but she had to ignore them for now. She began chanting in Latin, the words of the spell flowing from her as naturally as if she were singing along to her favorite song. She felt the wind pick up around her and the fire of the candles intensified, strengthening her power.

Almost as quickly as it had started, it was finished, and the doorway to other side was open. The people she loved could pass through it and when she raised the veil again, they would still be alive.

Bonnie opened her eyes to find Klaus standing in front of her. She nodded to him.

"You can save her now. You're the only one that can help her,"

Klaus took a step towards her and to her immense surprise, he grabbed her hand.

"I know that nothing you've done has been for me, but I am forever indebted to you nonetheless. Thank you, Bonnie,"

She nodded, rendered speechless by his words. She closed her eyes again as she felt him pass through the doorway, followed by Alaric. She took a deep breath, preparing herself for what she would find when she opened her eyes again.

"Bonnie," Jeremy breathed. And then they were looking into each others eyes, unseparated by death for the first time in months. He took her hand and his touch made her shiver.

"Jeremy, I-"

"I know," he said, smiling. "I've missed you too," he leaned forward and kissed her head. Her eyes filled with tears.

"You have to go find Elena. She needs you. I'll be there as soon as I can." she reached her hand up to touch his face gently. "We have a lot of catching up to do,"

Jeremy beamed at her before passing through the doorway.

Bonnie closed her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. She'd actually done it, she'd brought back all the people whose deaths had caused so much pain. She felt the wind brush against her cheek, the power of the moon and the Earth coursing through her. It all felt so incredible, so free. She decided to relax and enjoy the feeling before she started on ending the spells. Her eyes were still closed when she heard a voice. His voice.

"Hello, little witch,"

Bonnie's skin prickled with goosebumps.

"I've missed you," continued the voice as smooth as velvet. Her heart thumped uncontrollably. Her eyes fluttered open, and she jumped when she found his pair of deep brown eyes smoldering less than an inch away from hers.

He smiled that devilish smile. "You don't mind if I pass on through, do you?" he asked playfully, still smiling. Then the smile faded and he took a step towards her, never touching her but coming close enough to make her feel like she was on fire.

"We do have a lot to catch up on," he teased in a voice barely above a whisper.

Bonnie tried desperately to catch her breath, to overcome the shock so she could deliver a proper response, but before her throat opened and allowed any words to escape, he was gone, having flashed through the doorway in an instant. His name passed her lips just a moment too late, falling on to the unhearing forest.


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