Klaus' Revenge

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Klaus was unsure about a lot of things when it came to him and Caroline. He didn't understand how she gotten under his skin so deeply, in such a short amount of time, without even trying. Maybe it was because she challenged him in a way no one ever had before, or because she was everything he was not. If he was darkness, she was light. All he knew was that he was absolutely in love with that girl.

He knew he couldn't deny it anymore, and he decided that if he was going to have a weakness as great as love then he should at least face it. Maybe that way he could keep it from consuming him.

He knew they were complete opposites, but they also had a common trait: a thirst for power, for control. He'd seen it in in her before, when she was organizing a benefit or trying to control her urges, and he'd seen it in the way she'd taken control over him last night. She was playing a game with him, and she was definitely winning. She'd taken his breath away when she took off her coat, revealing her incredible body in that incredible dress. He knew then and there that he had to have her and when he did, he would take her to Italy and buy her 100 dresses just like that one.

He smiled. Yes, she had definitely won last night, rendering him speechless as she'd pushed him against the wall. It only made him want her more, but Klaus still didn't like losing. And today, he planned on evening the score.


Caroline woke up feeling hazy and irritated. The glow she'd felt last night after her success in teasing Klaus had faded quickly, leaving her confused about her feelings. Why had she gotten so jealous? Why had she spent the entire night thinking about Klaus pushing her up against that wall like she had to him? She tried to organize her thoughts.

"Okay," she told herself. "You're attracted to him. That's not surprising, he's incredibly hot,". There, that wasn't so bad. Her mind wandered to his strong arms, the way they'd felt around her when she'd danced with him at the ball. She wondered how they'd feel against her skin..

'Okay, okay, stop," she took a deep breath, trying to regain control. "It was nice that he paid attention to you. It made you feel special. So when he paid attention to someone else, it hurt a little. Especially when that someone else was Elena,". she thought sourly. Still, it wasn't that bad. "See," she reassured herself, "it's purely physical. It's not like you actually feel something for him,".

She felt better momentarily until she remembered the butterflies she'd felt at his defending her to Elena. She been so afraid he'd agree with Elena and call her needy. "Okay, enough thinking," she told herself. She sped into the kitchen to grab a blood bag, letting the hunger take over her senses. It felt good not to think about anything but satiating her thirst. When she was done, she decided it was a good time for her morning yoga. Routines always helped her feel more in control and that was what she needed to feel.

Caroline took a deep cleansing breath, trying to clear her mind. She was about five minutes in when she realized it was only making things worse. Yoga is a very sensual exercise and every time she pressed her hips into the mat, she thought about the way she'd pressed herself to Klaus the night before. When she stretched, elongating her body, she remembered the way his eyes had taken her in, looking at her with a stronger desire than she'd ever experienced before. She was suddenly overwhelmed by desire for him, and it only worsened her mood.

She stood up and ripped off her tank top, leaving only her pink sports bra and yoga pants. She grabbed her iPod and her sneakers before she headed to the porch to stretch.

What she needed was to run. Run until she was too tired to think about Klaus anymore. In the back of her mind, she knew she was running from her feelings for him, but she wasn't ready to admit it yet.

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