The End

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The week following Caroline and Bonnie's kidnapping blurred by in a flurry of insanity. A shift in power was changing everything in New Orleans. Klaus and Elijah were busy taking out the remnants of Marcel's old vampires while him and Caroline made very diplomatic deals with the werewolves. The witches that had helped them were now in power, creating a peaceful alliance between the three factions.

Then there was Bonnie's decision to stay in New Orleans. Caroline smiled, remembering the announcement. They'd all been having dinner together at the Mikaelson's plantation. Rebekah had cooked an enormous dinner; she enjoyed trying her hand at human things now and then. Kol and Bonnie were sitting together, all smiles and hands intertwined as was their new usual when Elijah addressed the somewhat elephant in the room.

"So, Bonnie, how much longer will we be enjoying your company here in New Orleans?"

The smile had faded somewhat from Kol's face. His eyes lost their spark as he looked down. Bonnie, in contrast, had grinned brightly enough to light up the room.

"Actually, I've decided to stay here,"

Kol's head had snapped up, the delight in his disbelieving grin was matched only by Caroline's squeal. Klaus and Caroline immediately demanded that she stay with them. With their new positions as King and Queen of the city, they would be busy anyway. It would be wonderful to have her company. Rebekah was excited as well since her and Bonnie were becoming fast friends. Her announcement seemed to cement the finality of it; the people sitting around the table that night were family, in nearly every way.

After the intensity of the week, Bonnie and Caroline were having a movie day in the basement. They had spent some time holding each other and crying about the torture they'd endured together and then moved on with a bottle of wine and their favorite DVDs. They were in between movies when Klaus came downstairs wearing a mischievous smile.

"Caroline, darling, I have a surprise for you,"

Her head snapped up. Despite the excitement that was already tingling inside of her, her eyes narrowed in suspicion. Klaus's "surprises" were always spectacular but they were scarcely anything short of grand. "What did you do?" she asked. He simply grinned.

"Well, it's more of what we did. We've won. We've conquered the city, you and I. Now, I believe a proper celebration is in order,"

Caroline's heart began to race. She had a feeling she knew where this was going but she didn't want to get her hopes up so she simply waited for him to continue.

"And by celebration of course, I mean a party. A cocktail party, perhaps. I'm not exactly sure. I suppose I could always consult an event organizer, of course, but-"

He was cut off by her throwing her arms around his neck; if he wasn't a vampire she probably would have tackled him.

"Do you know how long it's been since I've planned a party?!" she exclaimed. She was absolutely ecstatic. Him and Bonnie were both laughing.

"You do know the way to her heart," Bonnie mused. Klaus shared a knowing smile with her.

"Now, Caroline, I need you to put your heart and soul into this," he said, mockingly serious. As if she would ever do anything less. "This is to celebrate your and my new positions in power. I want it to be the kind of party you've always dreamed of. Very elegant of course, I'm thinking black tie. This is the event that will introduce us as the face of New Orleans. It's very important," Klaus tried not to laugh at how intently Caroline was listening to his instructions. He kissed her and then headed back upstairs to leave her to enjoy her time with Bonnie.

And so commenced the party planning. Caroline was too excited to sit through anymore movies so she raced upstairs to grab a notebook and pen and returned to the basement in less than ten seconds. Bonnie had a suspicion that Caroline liked to show off her vamp speed but she also knew her friend was coursing with excitement. It was so good to see that familiar fire in her eyes after Bonnie had once witnessed it's loss .

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