Double Date

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Klaus wanted nothing more than to stay by Caroline's side at all times, but his duties in the Quarter were calling. Word had begun traveling that he was back; of course, everyone thought he was back from a vacation, not death, but his presence was needed nonetheless. Marcel and his vampires were getting antsy, and there was a nasty rumor going around that the witches were planning a move against him.

Of course, the last time he'd heard that, he'd been told he was the father of a miracle, magical baby, but he still didn't like to ignore threats.

He looked over at Caroline, who was still sleeping. The way the light shone in from the window lit up her golden hair as it splayed across her bare back. He loved to draw her this way; soft and peaceful. He leaned down and pushed her hair back so he could kiss her gently on the cheek. He didn't want to wake her so he scribbled a note at the bottom of the drawing he'd made of her, much like the one he'd made for her the night of the ball, and left it on his pillow.

"I'll be back tonight. Say hello to Bonnie for me. I love you,"

With that, Klaus left the house and headed to the old cemetery, where he knew he would find the witches he was looking for. He wasn't disappointed.

"Sophie! What a pleasure seeing you here," he greeted her cheerfully. He delighted in the way she jumped at hearing his voice.

"What do you want, Klaus?" she replied with false bravado; he could smell her fear.

"Well, I heard a little rumor going around that some New Orleans witches are planning a move against me. I don't like those kind of rumors, as you might imagine. So, I thought you'd be just the girl to help me," he smiled, charmingly.

"Why would I help you?" Sophie spat at him.

Klaus' smile faded, his face clouding with darkness. He was pleased to see Sophie take a step back but he only followed her with a menacing step of his own. When he spoke, his voice was ominously quiet, "Because after that baby stunt you pulled, you're lucky you're still alive. Now, before my graciousness expires, and I kill everyone you know and love, I suggest you tell me what you know,"

Sophie drew a shaky breath. "Marcel has made an... alliance, I guess you would say, with some of the witches. They're plotting to join forces to take you down. They want to make an army,"

Klaus gave her a malicious smile. "Thank you, love. You've been very helpful," He snapped her neck before she could scream.


All of Caroline's nerves settled when she saw Bonnie walking through the terminal. It had been a stressful week, with Kol's return and Klaus being so busy. She knew there were rumors he was concerned with, but every time she asked him about them he only deflected her questions. It worried her and she was in desperate need of some girl time.

"Bonnie!" she exclaimed, painstakingly trying to resist using vampire speed to reach her best friend.

"Hey Care!" Bonnie pulled her into an enthusiastic hug. "I've missed you,"

They hugged and giggled before heading arm and arm to the car.

"So, there's some things I should warn you about before we get home," Caroline started nervously. Part of her smiled thinking how much Klaus would like to hear her call it home. Bonnie waited for her to continue.

"Umm, Kol's here. I mean he's staying at the family's plantation, but he's around a lot...All of Klaus' family is,"

Bonnie looked alarmed, but quickly composed herself. "Why would I care if Kol was there?" she asked, a little too nonchalantly.

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