Save Me

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Bonnie was in desperate need of a girls day. Fortunately for her, Caroline was the queen of awesome girls days. Klaus and Kol had gone to do more scheming with the werewolves so her and Caroline laid in bed and watched the Notebook while sharing a tub of chocolate ice cream. It was perfect.

"I can't believe little Gilbert was making out with that Dana slut. I'm gonna ring his neck," Caroline promised. Bonnie just smiled. "It's not the first time he's cheated on me. I told you we were distant,"

"Bonnie, this is not your fault. He's an idiot,"

"I'm upset, I mean it hurts that he would betray me like that. But I also kinda feel..," Bonnie hesitated.

"Relieved?" Caroline offered, with a small smile. Bonnie nodded.

"I felt the same way when Tyler broke up with me. I was hurt, especially considering he bit me afterwards, but it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders,"

"Wait, he bit you?!" Bonnie asked. "You never told me that!"

Caroline's eyes widened but she shrugged it off. "You had a lot going on! Plus, it wasn't a big deal considering Klaus' blood healed me right up," she smiled slyly, and Bonnie could tell by the glint in Caroline's eye that she didn't want to hear the rest of that story.

Bonnie shook her head. "I can't believe he would do that,"

"He has anger issues," Caroline shrugged again before taking a bite of their chocolate ice cream.

They had turned back to the movie when Caroline asked what Bonnie was both desperate to talk about and desperate to avoid, "So what was up with you and Kol last night?"

Bonnie sighed. "Nothing, I just went outside after Elena texted me about Jeremy and he followed me,"

Caroline narrowed her eyes. "Did he bother you?"

Bonnie smiled. "No, he was actually... really sweet," she murmured, remembering how Kol had caressed her cheek and made her laugh. "I don't really get him," she admitted.

"What do you mean?" Caroline asked. Bonnie sighed, exasperated. She knew if there was anyone to talk to this about it was Caroline, but the thought of even talking about him made her uncomfortable.

"I don't know, he's just," Bonnie shifted, trying to find the right words. "I mean, I always knew he had the hots for me,"

"Well, who could blame him?" Caroline nudged her while she giggled.

Bonnie laughed and rolled her eyes before continuing. "Well, there's always been this, you know, tension, between us, even back before he died. I figured it was just a physical thing,"

"But you think it's more than that?" Caroline asked, understanding in her tone.

"I don't know," Bonnie sighed. "Last night, when we were outside, someone passed through me and Kol thought that I was hurt or something and he looked so... scared. He just seemed so concerned. I don't know, it was just different than the usual teasing and whatnot," she shrugged, taking a lick of ice cream off her spoon. She was trying to act nonchalant but she should have known Caroline would see right through her.

"Why does that confuse you so much?" Caroline asked.

"Because, I mean, he's Kol. He's hot and scandalous and he's a bad boy but he doesn't seem like the type of guy that would be all sweet and concerned like he was last night. I just," Bonnie sighed for what seemed like the millionth time. "It's probably just some scheme to get in my pants, anyway," she gave a little laugh, trying so hard to act like she didn't care.

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