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Caroline and Klaus spent two straight days in bed, making love, cuddling, whispering, sleeping. After the grief of losing each other, being apart simply wasn't fathomable. Every touch, every kiss, every word was cherished; but as beautiful as it was, they both knew they couldn't stay in bed forever. Caroline was the first to break the spell.

"I have to go back to Mystic Falls,"

Klaus closed his eyes and sighed. "I know," he murmured before pressing his lips gently against hers. She chose that moment to reveal what she'd been thinking about for the past few days.

"I think we should come back here, though. I know you came here for a reason, I know your family is here. Maybe this is where we should start our new life," Caroline rushed through the words before she lost her nerve. Despite everything they had been through, despite how clear he'd been about his feelings for her she couldn't quiet those old insecurities. What if he thought she was moving too fast?

Her worries were immediately soothed when he broke into a wide smile. "That's a big decision to make, love. But if you're ready, nothing would make me happier than to build a life with you here." He pushed her hair back gently and kissed her forehead, causing the butterflies to erupt all over again.

Caroline decided she definitely needed to shower before they flew to Mystic Falls and even though the hot water felt amazing it was the first time she'd been away from Klaus since he'd found her in the alley. Their little golden bubble had kept the guilt and the pain she had been suppressing at bay but now all she could think about was the night she'd killed the bartender.

She didn't know what disgusted her the most; the fact that she'd slept with him or that she'd killed him. Certainly he deserved it, he was a monster, but who was she to take someone's life away? The fear in his eyes, his blood curling screams all haunted her. It was only worse that she'd had sex with him beforehand. When she'd tasted the roofies in her drink and looked into his hungry eyes, her humanity switch had protected her from the sickness that she normally would have felt. She remembered vaguely thinking of Damon but not being able to understand why; now she understood all too well.

Caroline rushed out of the shower, desperate for Klaus' presence again. She needed him to make her feel whole, to push away the thoughts of everyone else. He had finished packing their bags and was sitting on their bed, sipping from a tumbler of blood. She was on him in a second, attacking him with bruising kisses, licking the blood from his lips, hungry for the escape he offered for her. He hardly hesitated before he was consuming her with equal desperation, creating the whole out of their two broken halves.


Bonnie woke up in bliss. She lay in Jeremy's bed, wrapped in nothing but the crisp, white sheets, encompassed by his strong arms. With the early morning sun shining warmly through the window, it felt like heaven. After three days of sharing him with Elena she'd finally gotten him to herself for the whole night, finally able to touch him for the first time in months. Waking up next to him, she felt like she couldn't have possibly been any happier.

It lasted for about five minutes.

Then the familiar nausea sank through Bonnie's stomach, reminding her what- or actually who- had been in the back of her mind the entire time. Every time Jeremy touched her or whispered in her ear she wondered what it would be like with Kol. An involuntary thrill ran through her every time she remembered his words, "We have a lot to catch up on,"

She was disgusted with herself. Jeremy was the love of her life, right? She'd grieved him for months and now that she finally had him back, she found herself thinking about another man. Not just any other man- Kol.

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