I love you

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**Mature Content in this Chapter**


Klaus took a moment to enjoy being alive again. He'd lived for a thousand years but he couldn't remember a time where he had ever just breathed and appreciated the air in his lungs. He knew he would never take life for granted again but now he had to get to Caroline.

He sped to his Mystic Falls mansion and found everything intact. Apparently Caroline was the only one who'd missed him. He quickly grabbed his credit card, a blood bag, and the keys to his car before racing out the door and leaving the small town behind.

Klaus reached New Orleans in record time, especially considering that it was pouring so hard he would have had to pull over if not for his impeccable vampire vision. He parked on the street outside of the karaoke bar, the last place he had seen her, and was soaked the moment he stepped out of his car. His gray Henley clung to his body but he squinted through the rain, only concerned with trying to catch a glimpse of golden hair through the bar window.

He was just about to go inside when he heard a low growling sound and then a scream come from the dark alleyway. He raced over and there she was, feeding on a human.

His breath caught momentarily. Everything seemed surreal. For months he'd been on the other side, watching her unravel, and wished more than anything that he could touch her, even if it was as simple as grazing her cheek with his hand. Now here she was, a few feet away from him, and he could actually touch her and talk to her. The realization stunned him.

The sound of her sucking the human's neck snapped him back to reality, pushing him to race forward and pull the man away from her.

"Forget what happened here," Klaus compelled him, and the man fled quickly from the alley. Klaus took a deep breath and turned towards the love of his life. He wasn't sure how she would react to seeing him. Even a humanity switch couldn't suppress a moment as intense as this one. He hoped she'd be happy, feared she'd be sad or angry, but what he didn't expect was the way she was backing away from him, a look of complete and utter terror on her face. Her eyes were filled with tears and she was shaking visibly.

"How did you find me?" she whispered. Klaus was so confused by her reaction, and slightly hurt. What if she knew he was coming back and she didn't want him to find her?

"I never left you, sweetheart. I've been with you every moment, on the other side, watching you, wishing I could comfort you. I followed you here, love," Klaus replied softly. He wasn't surprised by the tears that were streaming down her face now, mixed with the rain that dripped from her soaked hair. What he didn't understand was why she was still backing away from him, her hands slightly raised as if to ward him off. She was shaking uncontrollably and he didn't know if it was from the rain or the fear that she so evidently felt.

"Bonnie brought me back, Caroline," he continued carefully. She sobbed when he said her name. "She brought me back to you, love," he took a tentative step toward her and she jumped, gasping.

"Please," she begged through a voice thick with tears. "If you're going to kill me, then kill me. But please don't pretend to be him, please,"

Klaus finally understood. She thought he was Silas. Panic struck him like lightning. How could he make her believe him? Silas could read minds so he would be able to see the answer to any question Caroline asked him. He would be able to imitate anyone perfectly.

Klaus knew he had to figure something out, but he also knew they wouldn't get very far with her humanity turned off. He cursed himself silently because he had long ago promised himself he would never do this to her but he was desperate so he rushed toward her, looked her directly in the eye and compelled her.

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