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Caroline ran home in a panic. Her veins were on fire, and the flames were threatening to consume her, already licking at her skin. Her vision was hazy as if there were film laying over her eyes. Her breath was coming in short spurts. The pain was incredible, but more than anything Caroline was thirsty. She sped into the kitchen, tore the refrigerator open and sucked down the first blood back she touched. A voice in the back of her head told her it wasn't enough, that she needed his blood, but the thirst was so intense it controlled her. She tore apart another blood bag, licking the sides and the places on her fingers where the sticky liquid had spilled in her haste.

She felt temporarily satiated; it allowed the fire to push itself to the forefront of her thoughts, demanding to be acknowledged. She was so hot it was suffocating, she didn't understand how she could be so on fire and still be alive. She tore off her clothes and jumped in the shower at vampire speed, the water on it's coldest setting. She felt like steam should have risen from her skin.

The cold shower and the blood gave her a brief moment of clarity. She added just a touch of hot water and scrubbed herself, trying to cleanse her skin of the festering poison. She knew she needed to go to Klaus before the poison made her too weak. She also knew it was ridiculous, given that she was on the brink of death, but she didn't want to look like she was dying. She sped out of the shower and threw on a blue sundress, unable to waste energy on a more complicated outfit. Caroline felt the fire making it's way back through her veins. She knew she had to hurry so she ran her fingers through her still wet hair, hoping it would dry in pretty waves instead of a frizzy mess. Finally she decided to throw on some quick mascara, aware that any other makeup would be useless; she was already slick with cold sweat.

The hunger was starting to fight with her mind again, threatening to take over. Her fangs elongated, seemingly on their own accord. She knew if she didn't get to Klaus soon, it would be too late. This time, she used her vampire speed, not caring if anyone was watching. When she reached Klaus' mansion she was winded and exhausted, feelings she was unaccustomed to since becoming a vampire. The fire and the thirst were battling with her consciousness now, both desperate to control her.

Caroline's vision was hazy again, the world seemed to be spinning. Her ears were ringing and she felt like the blood in her stomach was going to come back up. She was exasperated with him for taking so long to answer the door. "What if he's not home?" she thought, suddenly stricken with panic. Her breathing quickened, but a thought was swimming through the swampy haze that was her mind. When it finally arrived it reminded her that she had yet to knock.

Relieved, Caroline used her last reserve of strength to pound on the door. In half a second, Klaus was there in front of her, his smug attitude fading quickly to one of alarm.

"Caroline, what happened?" he asked her, guiding her inside. His voice sounded far away and she realized she was leaning on him much more than she liked. Her lack of strength infuriated her.

"Werewolf bite," she managed.

With that, Klaus stopped her, turning her around so she faced him head on. He looked her in the eye with a determination she didn't comprehend.

"Caroline, who bit you?" he demanded. The world was becoming really hazy now. She couldn't see any clear lines or colors, only a muddled blend of everything. Through all of the confusion, a voice in the back of her head warned her not to tell him that Tyler had attacked her.


The pain of what had happened earlier took over her. The memory was so sharp it was like she was standing in the graveyard again. Tyler pulling his hand away from her, looking at her with pure hatred. "I saw you and Klaus this morning...It's over". The way he'd spat his words at her, and then bitten her. It broke her heart all over again, it was all too much. She shook her head, trying to force the memory away.

She came back to reality, and there was Klaus standing in front of her with his hands on her shoulders, his features contorted in rage. Caroline was immediately consumed with panic when she realized she had hallucinated the memory, and Klaus, touching her, had seen it all. He looked downright murderous.

"Klaus, please..." she pleaded in a whisper, knowing her efforts were useless. He would never let Tyler get away with hurting her like that. Under the fear, she felt butterflies in her stomach, realizing that someone loved her enough to kill for her, but it only added to her shame.

Klaus' eyes softened for a moment. "Caroline, you need my blood," he said, bringing his wrist towards his elongated fangs. The control freak in her reacted before she had a chance to think and she swatted his hand down. "I'm not so pathetic that I can't feed myself," she snapped.

Klaus smiled at her, amused by her feistiness. "As you wish, sweetheart," he smirked, gesturing to his neck.

Caroline's eyes narrowed. She hesitated for a moment, conscious of the intimacy of the act. But before she could analyze it too much, the thirst screamed at her, reminding her how desperate she was. She lunged forward, feeling the veins under her eyes pulsate as she sank her fangs into his neck. She heard him gasp slightly but all she could focus on was his blood.

It rushed through her, soothing the fire everywhere it went. The flames calmed, ending their battle with her hunger so that it consumed her. His blood was delicious, better than any she'd ever tasted, even human. She let the thirst take over her senses. She moved even closer to him, snaking her arms around him and standing on her toes to reach his neck at a better angle. She was insatiable. His blood tasted too incredible for her to even think about stopping and she felt herself growing stronger with every mouthful.

Before she knew it she had rushed them to the stairs at vampire speed where she pushed him down and straddled him, never breaking contact with his neck. He laid back against the steps and her body followed, pressing them together at every conceivable point. Klaus was sighing with pleasure now, his hands running over her hair, her back, her hips, and she didn't even care that he was breaking all their unspoken boundaries. She was grinding and moaning against him now, so overtaken by the bloodlust that her body moved in rhythm with the sucking motions her mouth made. She knew they were as intimate now as they could be without actually having sex but all her mind comprehended at the moment was his blood.

She felt him brushing his hands over the side of her neck and somewhere in her mind she wondered if he wanted to do to her what she was doing to him. She realized she was being selfish and the rush she gained feeding from him was like being drunk. Her inhibitions had disappeared so she ran her fingers through her hair, pushing it all to one side until it exposed the area of her neck that he was touching. She angled her body so he could better reach her. It was all the permission he needed. He shoved his hand in her hair, keeping it off her neck and giving him the control he needed before he sunk his fangs into her. She immediately felt his poison searing her again, followed quickly by the soothing sensation of his blood. She moaned into his neck and he responded with a deep sigh, both of them drowning in ecstasy.

Klaus only drank from her for a few moments, aware that his venom would counteract the healing properties she needed from his blood. Caroline's consciousness was returning to her as his blood chased away all the effects of the werewolf venom. The thirst was subsiding and the gravity of what she was doing began to settle. She pulled away suddenly, speeding away from him until she was pressed against the front door. She felt panicky and out of breath.

"I'm sorry, I got carried away," she stammered, trying to catch her breath. Klaus only looked concerned. He rose slowly from the staircase as if he thought he might scare her. She knew he would walk to her, come into her personal space. She knew he would put his hand on her cheek tenderly, and it was too much for her too handle. Him, Tyler, it was all too much. She shook her head and before he could stop her, she was gone.

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