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Jiyoung pov:

"Dont shout bunss" He said with his raspy cold voice which sent shivers down my spine.......

I slapped his hands vigorously telling him to remove his hands from my mouth.....and he did it

"Wahhhhh.....wt has gotten into you" I said... taking deep breaths.....

He lightly chuckled and started looking around.......

"wt....why did u drag me here....tell me i have to go my friend is waiting outside"

"Ahhhhhh......tell u r friend to leave...i just remembered something,as you are my personal assistant u have to come with me"

"What the fuck-

"No cursing infront of me"

"Waahhhhhh.....who are you to tell me that are yo-

"I am your freakin boss"

"Wt the....u r cursing....why shouldnt i"

"I am your boss so i can....u r my manager so u cant"

"This is so stupid ......"

Waahhhh this guy is getting on my nerves.....seriously i wanna punch his face....this guy-

"Why r u looking at my u r friend and tell her to leave..."

"No, i am not going anywhere with you....i am going to my home bye.."

He stopped by standing in front of me...i  gave a long sigh and moved to the left he did the same....shh okay jiyoung control.....issokay lets move to the right...aishhh he is in front of me again......

"AAARRGGHHHH......leave me alone , will u"

"No bunss, thats not gonna happen....i am giving u one last chance call u r friend and tell her to leave"

He voice was so serious and stern.....


I called mina and told her that something came up soo i asked her to leave,thisss gurlll...literally asked me hundred questionssss i cant really answer her at the of this man standing infront of me....i just ended the call and looked at him......

"Now what......where r we going, wt did-

He just took my wrist and started walking.........

"Wt did u remember"

He is not giving an answer....wts with this guy....

"I am asking u Mr.Boss.......where are we gng...why r we-

"Aishhhh stop talking....just follow me....if u open that small mouth of yours.....u will be getting a punishment shut up"

Waahhhhh this guy....seriously......a punishment.....i am so mad at him right now......i dont care...i will talk...

" i small child to get a-ouchhhhhhhhh"

"Thats what u get for talking....."

Hufff...control control jiyoung aahhhh...take deep breaths...................................okay cool now.......this stupid cold rude boss of mine just flicked my forehead............

I just stopped talking....and trailed behind him

Ahhh finally in the parking jaw dropped at the this his car.....woahhhh its so sexy...

"Close u r mouth, a fly might enter...."

He said which made me stop thinking......i immediately closed my mouth and followed him ....

Ahhh this car is so black black.....the whole interior and exterior is is love i say..........
i buckled up and so did he.........

He started the car.....waahhh where r we gng....shalll i ask him..ahh wt if he will give me the punishment again...ahhhh but i want to know......aishhh i will just no i will sit silent...

I guess he saw me struggling with my thoughts so he opened his pretty mouth...

"Stop stressing that brain....i have to meet a friend of mine at xxxxxx hotel"

Oooo cant he just go and meet his friend why the heck is he taking me with the way why is he meeting his friend....shall i ask or not ....ask or not....ask or not...aishh i will just ask....

"Why are u meeting u r friend now?"

"None of u r business"

Unknowingly a pout made its way to my lips....i just sat there and saw the city from the window..................

(20 min later)

He stopped the car....we r here.....i was about to get off the car but he stopped by holding my wrist..

"Hey wait.....wear this mask........dont go anywhere with out it okay?"


I took the mask and wore it he did the same.......we got off the car....he opened the trunk a box and a beautiful bouquet....he closed and the trunk and signelled me to follow him...........

Wahhh this place is huge....i was just trailing behind him until he suddenly stopped....

"What happened?"

He didnt say anything...he just took my hand into his and started walking.......................we got on the elevator andd.....we r going to the 25th floor............

We got of the elevator.......and he was still holding my hand................we r walking through an alley.......the more we went into the alley the more we was an open place...waahh it is cold...there were alot of ppl...okay not so many but i guess 40 ppl.....

I was looking around......suddenly we took a stop ....i looked at my boss and he was looking at something with a i looked at the same direction and saw a person cmng towards us with a big smile on his face.......

"Wahhhh...jungkook i thought u were not gonna come"

"How am i going to miss u r birthday yugyeom ahh.........happy happy birthday buddy"

"Yaaa thanks bro..."

My boss handed him the box and the bouquet........the guy called yugyeom looked at me and then again at jungkook with a questioning look

"Who is the pretty lady jungkook ahh?"

"Ahh ....She is my girlfriend..."

Hey lilpiess.....

Here we was pretty long....hope u liked this..💜

have a nice day😘


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