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Domme is famous as one of the most beautiful village in France. This commune lies on top of a hill, overlooking the Dorgone valley. The Dorgone rivers passes through this lustre green valley giving it a stunning panaromic view. This small quaint village has many cafes and restaurants that remain crowed during summer, spring and autumn. However it gets a deserted look in winters, especially between December and February with snowfall.

He walks on these narrow streets clicking photos of some charming buildings. He loves photography, although it is not his profession. He smiles at a small child who is sitting on the first floor of her home, looking out through the glass. He captures her innocent smile in his camera. He has arrived in October when the number of tourists are very less. He wants that as he does not like crowd. But is this the only reason?

He enters a small restaurant in one such narrow lane. It will rain today as sky is dark with heavy clouds. This actually make this place even more beautiful. The temperature outside is a bit cold. It has been raining from a few days. The restaurant from inside is very cosy, quite warm and very inviting. Few chairs around round tables that have different coloured table cloths, few family paintings on the exposed stone walls, wooden beamed roofs and a wooden bar on one corner. There is a huge stone fire place with wood fire buring, making the cosy little restaurant like a picture out of a magazine. The restaurant is basically empty with only a young couple sitting at one end, eating. He sits down at one corner, when a charming lady in her 50's come to him with a cute pink apron. She says,"Bonjour!(Hello!) Comment allez-vous monsieur?(How are you Sir?)" He smiles at her and says," Bonjour! Je vais bien.(I am good.)" She asks," What will you have monsieur?" He places the order after going through the menu. Outside it starts to rain and he enjoys looking through the window.

The old lady comes up with the bill and asks,"Monsieur, where are you staying? It is rain all night. " He says,"I arrived today from Paris. I haven't yet found a place to stay. Can you suggest me a good place near by?" The lady says,"O! Yes yes..There is homestay, two buildings down this lane." He smiles and says thank you to her. He gets out of the restaurant and starts looking for the place mentioned by the old lady at the restaurant. As said, he finds a charming stone walled cottage style building with a hoarding outside written, 'Love Nest'.

He enters the house to find a small reception area but no one in sight. He puts the backpack he had been carrying with him on the bench and taking out a handkerchief wipes his face. He finds a bell placed on the reception and hits it many times. He waits for a good ten minutes, when no body comes, he decides to leave. He curses in hindi and picks up the bag. He is about to go out when he hears,"Je suis desolè. I am sorry.. " He never likes to wait. He is about to leave but stops looking at the lady at the reception. She must be in her mid 20's. He has seen lot of attractive girls in his life but she is different. A raw flawless beauty, unharmed by anything fake including makeup. Her brown eyes are shining and her pink lips has a innocent smile stuck on it.

"Bonjour mister! Sorry again. Actually today we are short staffed, so I was in the kitchen. Tell me sir what can I do for you?", she says in her sweet voice. He is still thinking and does not reply to her. She is confused why he is silent. The guy standing before her is tall and well built with a set of attractive and gentle eyes. He does not look like French or American but she is not sure if he is Indian or not. She murmurs,"Phite muhn, yeh khota gal kyun nahi raha hai? Gunga hai ki yeh?(What the he'll! Why is this idiot not replying? Is he dumb?)" "Naaji. Naahi main khota hun aur naahi gunga.(No. Neither I am idiot nor I am dumb.)", he says with a cute smile. The girl bites her tongue and says,"Haye aap Indian ho?(Are you Indian?) Maaf kardo menu..I am really sorry. forgive me..I am Sana. Sana Kaur. I work here, actually this is my place. Please tell me, you want a room right?" He smiles at her innocence repeating her name in his mind, he says,"Yes. I want a single room. What is the tarrif?" She gives her the information about the tarif, What do they provide here and the rules. He nods his head and says,"Fine with me. I will take it." She opens the register and asks,"Sir, your name please and your passport." He smiles and says,"Khota..(Idiot)" Sana looks at her with an apologetic look when he laughs aloud. He raises his hand to say sorry. He says,"Sorry again. Just joking. My name is Sidd...I mean Rishab Srivastava." Sana looks at him and asks,"Sid or Rishab?" He takes out his passport and putting it on the table says,"Rishab Srivastava." She asks,"For how long do you want the room?" He says,"If I don't get to hear any curses and I like the place, may be till summers." Sana looks shocked, no body spends the winters here in this village. Is he crazy? Rishab smiles and says,"No I am not crazy. I want to spend the winters here, if you have no issues." "Haye, mujhe kya issue honi hai. Rahoji(Why should I have any issues? Stay.).", she says. After getting all the details, she takes her upstairs to the first floor. There are four doors on this floor. She stops at one end before one door and opens it.

Inside is a beautiful cosy room. A big bed, a desk and chair at one end, a wardrobe at one side and a nice furnace. She puts the wood inside the furnace and putting some oil, she lights the fire. Soon the room started feeling warm and comfortable. She smiles and asks,"Do you need anything else sir?" "Rishab.", he says. Sana with confusion asks,"What?" He replies," Call me Rishab. No I don't need anything. I will rest now. Good night. " Sana nods her head and putting the key on the side table, leaves the room. He locks the door and taking out his phone, he switches it on. He dials a number and says,"Yes. I am in...keep an eye on them. Yes..bye." He switches off the phone again and puts it inside the backpack. He removes his jacket and goes near the window. It is raining heavily now. He whispers," Rishab.. nice name.." He smiles and says," Sana Kaur.. you are very sweet.."

Hoping to be liked, I publish the first chapter of this book..Give comments and do vote for the chapter by clicking the star below..
Love and only love 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

My French is sorry for any mistakes..

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