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~Ashlynn's POV~

Months later, me and Hunter grew closer to each other. We cared more about each other, and we were happy.

Anyway, it was Christmas Eve and I haven't gotten Hunter a gift. I didn't know what he would want at this time of year.

What would I do if he got me a gift, but I didn't get him one? Would he be mad, disappointed? This was my first relationship and I didn't really know what to do in one, so I called my aunt to ask her.

"Hey, Aunt. I have a question?" I asked. I wait for her to answer I talk really fast, even though she understand. "I love this boy named, Hunter and I don't know what to get him for Christmas. I thought you'd know."

The phone hang up and I froze. I threw the phone across the room and started to cry. This wasn't going well. Hunter was gonna hate me and there would be nothing that I could do about it.

There was a knock on my bedroom door, so I answered it and saw Hunter standing there. I looked down and he disappointingly walked in, hoping for me to give him a hug. I didn't want to.

I closed the door and it suddenly became dark, so I flicked the switch on. When I looked at Hunter, he didn't have anything in his bare hands. I guess he didn't have a present for me either.

But then it hit me. What if he did get me a present? Oh man, I was totally doomed and we would be through. What could I do now?!

Hunter's POV:

I walked into Ashlynn's room and silence ruled over us. It stayed that way for while, until I decided to break the silence.

"Hey Ash? Could you come here for a minute?" Ashlynn walked over to me and I slipped a ring on her finger.

She started to cry and I smiled, trying not to cry as well. "Is this... a promise ring..?" I nodded my head and stood up to hug her. She cried into my shoulder and just couldn't stop. I guess that meant that she was happy!

I let go of her and we keep smiling. She blushes and looks at me. "What do you want me to promise you, Hunter?" I froze and scratched the back of my head.

"Well... promise me.." I picked her up and held her in the air, while she started to laugh. "Promise me that you'll always love me, no matter what.."

Ashlynn smiles and looks at me, so I smile too. "Hunter.. no matter what, I'll always love you."

I put her down and our foreheads touch. Our faces fall red and we almost kissed when, Ashlynn tazered me, with her fingers.

I jumped and yelled ouch, while falling down. Ashlynn started laughing and I clenched my fists. "That is what you get for tazering me!" She giggles.

I get up and close in on her, that beautiful smile soon turning to a frown. I hold my hand up and tricked her, by kissing her.

Her eyes were wide open and so were mine. We looked at each other and our faces were colored in red blush. I winked and she showed the expression of smiling in her sparkling, green eyes.

I let go of Ashlynn and she smiled. I blushed and she ran her back down the wall, to the floor. She was out of breath and so was I. We sat across from each other and cathed our breaths, filli g the quiet room.

"Hunter don't scare me like that! I actually thought you were gonna punch me!" Ashlynn yelled while slapping my leg. I laughed and she grunted, crossing her arms. "Why would I want to hurt that pretty face of yours?" I teasingly ask.

Ashlynn grunts a little more and starts to laugh as well. She walks over to me and we lay down on the floor, gazing up at the fake, glowing stars on her ceiling.

"You know... this isn't as bad. They actually look real." I whisper. All I hears was a little snore come from beside me. Ashlynn is peacefully sleeping against my chest.

I pull a blanket from her bed and put it one her. I wrap my arm around her and smile. "Maybe this will be the best life, I've ever had..."

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