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~Ashlynn's POV~

I woke up in a dark room with someone beside me. I turned around and saw Hunter laying there snoring like a pig.

I nudged him and he moaned. "What now...?" I turn on the lamp look at his tired little eyes. "Don't tell me you had another one. That's five in one night! What is up?" Hunter whispers while turning on his side.

"I don't know. Something's wrong Hunter. I'm scared and I'm afraid I might die this condition. I can't go to school and my hair is starting to fall out from the medicine...." I started to cry and Hunter just laid there, about to cry as well.

I started crying for a few minutes and Hunter stared to fall asleep again, so I decided that I needed some space for a while. "E-excuse me, Hunter. I have to go somewhere.... for a bit..."

I grabbed my jacket and walked out in the rain. It was cold, but not enough to make you sick. Anyway, I walked down the streets because there were no cars, so it left me to be all alone at night.

For me, night was my worst fear. It was worst than spiders or singing in front of people, mostly because I was afraid of being kidnapped.

Anyway, as I walked down the street, I heard sounds of footsteps behind me. I stopped and looked around, soon looking behind me, only to see nothing there. I slowly turn around and then before I know it, I get knocked out.

Hunter's POV:

I woke up, but Ashlynn wasn't there. I looked around the house, but I still couldn't find her. I checked my phone and called her, but it went straight to voicemail. Where was she? Did she go somewhere without telling me?

I tried calling her some more, but the all went straight to voicemail and that's when I knew that something was up. I called one last time and then someone picked up. "Ashlynn!" I yelled. No one responded except for the sound of a familiar voice.

"Your girl needs help, Hunter. You have an hour to find me and you know where I am. Can't find me in under the limit... well then Ashlynn will suffer." I yelled no and I heard Ash scream my name, but something was covering her mouth.

The other end grew silent and I dropped my phone. I searched and searched for Ashlynn but couldn't find her. I looked at the big clock and the hour was almost up. The last place I could look was the forest.

I ran as fast I could to the forest and saw I door leading to a hallway and shed. I opened the door and called out a muttered hello. Nothing answered, so I walked down the hallway and into a place that looked like a house. How could something so tiny, have something so big inside?

All I heard were screams and gun shots coming from upstairs, so I ran up there, then slightly looked through the crack of the door. I saw Ashlynn on the floor tied up to the wall.

I couldn't see much of what was going on, but Ashlynn just kept screaming and someone was saying shut up to her.

I pushed open the door and saw my mother standing in front of Ashlynn with a gun in her hand. Ashlynn was in tears and all I saw as blood coming from her arm. Bullets were implanted into the wall and some were close to Ashlynn's head.

"You said you wouldn't hurt her I'd I came on time and I did!" I yelled. My Mon looked at her watch and smiled. "That is correct, Hunter. But this little rascal wouldn't shut up, so I had to shut her up myself." She angrily said.

I shivered and stood next to Ash. "Stop hurting her!" I yelled from the top of my lungs. My mom held up her gun and I squeezed my eyes closed while hold Ashlynn good arm tightly.

Before I knew it. All I felt was pain in my chest and my name being screamed. My eyes became drousy and my strength was weakening. The only thing I remember was seeing Ashlynn's teared up face.

~Ashlynn's POV~

I watched in horror as Hunter fell to the floor in pain. I pulled and pulled, but I couldn't get myself out of these chains. Every time I pulled, they would grip and pinch my arms, making me scream.

I looked at Hunter in tears as blood splatter against the floor and then on my face. "Why?! Don't kill him! Kill me!" I yelled. Hunter's eyes opened slowly and he touched my leg. "It.. ok..." I shook my head no and cried even more.

It hurt me to see Hunter like this. He is the only thing I have left and I don't know what else to do. If he dies that will be the end and that is it.

"Don't worry Hunter. At least you'll die with Ashlynn beside you. Too bad she won't die." The person threw the knife at me, but it only scratched my arm and stuck to the wall. The cut was huge and it was bleeding alot, but not close to dying.

"Please don't do this, I beg of you please. Just do want you want to me, but don't hurt Hunter..." I pleaded, while letting little tears escape my eyes.

The person looked straight at my face and scrunched their fists. My face grew afraid and I started to cry again, calling for help. The person let me go and left the room. The door was closed so I went to open it, but it was locked from the outside.

I ran to Hunter and touched his face. It was cold and he was almost gone. I turned around and saw my phone on the floor, do I called 911 before the guy came back up. I told the people everything that happened and they said they'll be here in less than five minutes.

That wasn't enough time, though. Hunter would be dead and they'd think I'm crazy.

As I thought about this, Hunter's hand touched mine and I looked at him. "Hunter.." I day wiping a few tears. "Don't die please." I whisper as he holds up a pinkie. We cross pinkies and start to cry, even though Hunter's cried were gentle.

"If I.... don't make it... Ash... remember me always..." I shook my head yes and crossed my heart. "Good bye Ashlynn..."

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