Remembering to Forget

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Hunter's POV:

I ran home and up to my room. I smmed the door and threw my backpack across the room. I sat near the window and starting to cry as I see, Ashlynn walking home, all happy.

I cringed my teeth and clenched my hands into fists. Tears streamed down my face and I couldn't help but throw my pencil across the room.

"Ashlynn... how could you do this to me? I love you, but now... I don't even know..." I banged my head on the windowsill and cry so much, there's a puddle growing. A puddle of tears.

I knew that after this day, I would be torn and never go to school again. My parents don't even care if I don't go to school. They don't even care about me and that's enough to deal with.

I grabbed a nice from under my chair and started to become filled with hatred. I wanted revenge on that girlfriend stealer, but fighting is not the answer.

I took the knife and ran to Ashlynn's house. If she didn't care about me, then I guess she didn't care enough to save me, either.

~Ashlynn's POV~

Someone suddenly came bursting through my bedroom door and I saw Hunter with a knife. I honestly thought he was gonna kill me, but I guess I was wrong.

"Ashlynn... if you don't care about me... would you at least save me?" He whispered. I frowned and I saw all his tears stream down the sides of his face.

I watched as he drew a mark on his arm with the knife and cry in pain at the same time. What was I doing just standing there, like a statue?! I had to help him!

I ran over to him and threw the knife across the room making a sound. Hunter fainted and I didn't know what to do next. I looked at his arm and it was continuously bleeding.

I started to cry and grabbed the bandage wrap. I wrapped it around his arm and the bleeding soon stopped. I brought him over to my bed and let him rest.

He looked cute sleeping and I just wanted to sleep with him. No, Ashlynn? You love Cornelius not Hunter. Keep it together!

Hunter's POV:

I woke up in a room that looked like mine from what had happened last night. I was still bummed, but I still had a little spark left for Ashlynn before it fully went away.

I cried and walked over to my windowsill. I sat there for days eating off of the plates left for me outside my door. I never went back to school, and Ashlynn never noticed. At least she was happy. I wasn't..

My mother banged on my door and told me that I had to go to school today or else. I sighed heavily and got dressed for school.

As I left the house and walked into school, I saw Cornelius holding Ashlynn's hand as he snarled at me. I gulped. I ran outside and sat on the rock that kept me happy (yeah right).

All I hear are footsteps coming towards me and I turned around, only to see Ashlynn standing there. She was out of breath and hugged me, when she saw my tears.

"Hunter... I'm so sorry for betraying you..." She whispered. I still frowned and pushed her sway from me. "No... its fine... I just..." I burried my hands in my into my face and sobbed.

"Ok... I'm just kidding with you. Cornelius wanted you to know that you're more than welcome to come to our date, but its just that you have to sit somewhere else. Sorry, bye."

Ash turns around and winks at me, telling me that she is in trouble. What is going on?

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