Saving Him

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~Ashlynn's POV~

I sat there in the cold dark room, freezing from the temperature that I had left it on. I was crying too, but the tears were cold and endless for me.

I heard a noise come from downstairs in the kitchen. It sounded like glass was smashed on the floor. I crosses my fingers and grabbed my fuzzy purple sweater. I slipped on some socks and grabbed my phone, then stuffing it in my pocket.

I opened the door and felt a nice warm breeze splat onto my cold face. I sighed and walked down the stairs cautioned of what could happen.

What if it wasn't Hunter? What if it was some person trying to break in or kidnap me? What would I do? Should I run to Hunter or just stay still?

I sneak into the kitchen and hide behind a chair. I peeked a bit only to see a tall man in a black suit. The second I saw the man, my eyes widened and then I passed out...

*(Hours Later)* I woke up in a dark scary room that bothered me a lot. My head was hurting and I felt like I couldn't breahte. I tried to move around but for some reason I couldn't see. My bangs covered my eyes and all I felt was cold ground.

I crawled over to a corner and pulled my legs up to my chest. I started to cry and then my phone light turned on. I looked up and checked it only to see a message from Hunter. I sighed heavily and answered.

Hunter: "Ash are you okay? I stopped by your house, but you didn't answer the door and I was worried something happened to you.." I wiped a few tears and looked around. Still nothing. I picked up my phone and shown the light around the room.

I stopped and screamed, soon dropping my phone onto the floor. The man I had saw in the kitchen was the man standing in front of me now. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up, leaving my phone on the floor.

I kicked and kicked, but the man just wouldn't let me go. I screamed for help and no one could here me. There were no windows and only one door. "You better shut up little girl." I looked at the man and clenched my fists. "Or what?!" I yelled slapping the man in the face.

He evily looked at me and grinned. "Or you'll never see him again." I looked at the man in horror and felt tears stream down my face. "No... I can't.... please don't kill him..." I begged.

The man pulled me back up and brought me out the room. I looked around and I seemed to be in a different place. It looked like his house and surprisingly it wasn't so kidnappings like.

"If you leave this house I will find you, bring you to him and you will watch him die." The man left the house and I looked around. I sighed and thought about what the man said. I really didn't want Hunter to die. It would be my fault and I would never forgive myself for doing it.

I heard a call her for help coming from upstairs. It sounded like Hunter, but I knew that it would never be him. I walked up the stairs and opened the door, surprised to see Hunter chained to a wall crying for me. I turned on the light, but it flickered off.

Hunter looked around afraid and I hugged him. "Hunter its just me. There's nothing to be afraid of. I'm here for you." I whispered in his ear.

He calms down and I look around. There were knifes near Hunter's face and blood on his clothes. His phone was thrown across the room and was also sneated with blood.

"He didn't hurt you?" Hunter asked. I said no and look at his face. I kiss his cheek and smile. "At least your okay. If you didn't scream, then I would've never found you.." He smiled back and gave me his cute "blush look."

"Stop it Hunter..." I say making my face turn red. I get him out of the chains and he hugs me to death. I laugh and look at his warning smile. "Heh... you always know how to make me laugh, Hunter." I whisper.

I get up and so does Hunter. We walk down the hallway and see someone entering the door, soon coming up the stairs. I look at Hunter and he tells me to go into the room I was in. I hold his hand and let go, running into the other room, while Hunter stays bear the wall to protect me.

I really hope he knew what he was doing this time. If he didn't... what could I do?

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