Snap Out of It!

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~Ashlynn's POV~

I'm sitting on the bed texting Hunter. He loved basketball, so over the summer he decided to sign up. They had a break right now, so Hunter texted me. This was the conversation:

Hunter: "I miss you. R.I.P my heart." I giggled and smiled. You: "Omg I miss you too, luv." I was on Hunter's laptop, watching my favorite show Sword Art Online.

Hunter: "Aww.. Ugh make these boys stop bothering me over you." I laughed and Harry stepped in the room. "Hey, Jr. What's up?" I call him that cause he reminds me of Hunter. But in his friend version.

"Can I stay in here?" He asks, crawling on my bed. I nod and give him a headphone line. He loves watching SAO with me. So as I was texting..

You: "Did you show them pics of us?! -.-" I loomed back at the computer and stayed shock when Kitiro kissed his true love. It reminded me of Hunter and I. I blushed and my face reddens.

Now back: Hunter: "Umm...." I scream and looked at Harry. He couldn't hear me since he was obsessed with his show. I couldn't believe he changed it to Octonuts!

You: "Why would you do that?! I don't like people knowing who I am! What picture did you show them?!" Hunter showed me a pic of me and Hunter taking a selfie when we were dressed in our bathing suits.

It was so embarrassing. He's lucky I didn't throw his phone in the water. Hunter: "You said you wanted to take a picture! *feeling stupid*"

I smirked and silently laugh while looking out the window. You: "Hah! You should be feeling that way. Now I'm about to put on the song Jealous."

Hunter hates that song. It gets him jealous of me. He should be happy that we met. He should be happy were together..

Hunter's POV:

I started to show my new friends at basketball pictures of me and Ash. Some with both of us, and some with just her stealing my phone and talking her own selfie. It made me a tomato, but yeah.....

"Hunter is that your girlfriend?!" Carlos asks. I turn bright red and text Ashlynn real quick. "Uh... no...." I lie. Then, Ashlynn texts me this: Ashlynn: "I miss you sweetie. *heart being broken*" I was done.

Everyone awed and I sighed. "Would you guys leave me alone. I can't text my girl in peace?" Everyone walks away and I smile.

Ashlynn sits on the other side of this phone, taking slefies with Harry and sending them to me. I laugh and wish I was in them. Only I little more, Ash. Only a little more.

Later on, I find Ashlynn crying in the closet, while listening to our favorite song, that never made us cry. It was weird to find her in there crying.

I sit next to her and she hands me the phone. I put on the headphones, and start to cry too. She hugged me and we both cried together as we sang the song together.

It was weird, but ever since the accident, she's been worried about me, when I go out alone. She's says I'm an easy target and boy is that true. If she hot kidnapped, I would run miles just to find her. I didn't care if it was a trap. See what an easy target I am?

I started to fall asleep and so I brought some pillows and a blanket inside the closet and laid down. Ashlynn laid down next to me, her head on my chest and my arms around her body.

When she was with me, she felt safe, but without me, she wasn't safe at all and neither was I.

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