Hard to Forget

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Hunter's POV:

Ashlynn held my hand and I felt drowned. I couldn't smile for her, or squeezing her hand. It was saddening to see Ash like this and most of all, it may be the last.

How was I supposed to be there to support Ashlynn and her cancer when she needed me most, when she needed a shoulder to cry on? No one was really there to protect, love, or cherish Ash like I did. I really love her to death and I would do anything to protect her. Even... die.

~Ashlynn's POV~

Hours later, I was sitting next to Hunter in his hospital room. He was still alive and that was good, but there were still things wrong with me.

I doctor came into the room to check on me and Hunter. I was fine, but everyone in the hospital knew that I was the "escaped caner patient" so I can't really get away from that.

"How is he..?" I asked kind of worried. "Dear, he's fine, just low on blood. We will keep Jim hooked up to this blood packet to let his heart generate note blood, but for now you must get home and rest."

I sighed and grabbed my phone. I kissed Hunter's scratched forehead and left. Maybe I needed some time to myself. I walked to my house and ran up the stairs, to my room.

I grabbed a pillow and a blanket hidden under, then went into the closet, leaving my phone on the bed... far away from me. I closed the closet door and laid down on the floor. I felt tears starting to develop, so I decided to let them go.

They made me tired, so I fell a asleep cold and loveless...

Hunter's POV:

I woke up, with a heavy knot in the back of my head. My back was hurting and I couldn't feel my legs. I really didn't know what was going on and I had no idea where I was.

I looked around and saw weird blinking lights and lots of things that looked like they belonged to a hospital. I got up and fell on the cold hard floor. I grabbed my phone and didn't see any calls or messages from Ash. I hope she was okay, not hurt or anything like that.

I texted her and saw a tear fall on the phone. I sniffled a little and wiped the tears. I couldn't cry right now. This was serious.

A few minutes later, my phone buzzed and it was Ashlynn. I unlocked the phone and smiled. Ashlynn: "Yes, Hunter. I'm fine. Just in my room." I sighed happily and looked up at the ceiling. "Thank God." I whisper. I text her back with hope and love.

You: "Oh good. Wait. Why are you at home by yourself?" I curiously asked. I sighed and heard footsteps walking down the hallway and I got scared. I quickly texted "got to go" to Ashlynn and put my phone on silent. I sat on the bed and pulled the blankets over me, soon turning into the position I was in before.

The doorknob twitched, and opened the door. I closed my eyes and hoped for the best as someone entered the room. "Hello?" My eyes widened and I started to cry silently. Unfortunately, the person heard me and I felt something against my back.

"Get up." I gulped and got up from my bed. The person pulled my shirt and I sighed. I turned around and saw my little brother in front of me. "Harry?" I gladly asked. He nodded his head and pulled my arm. "Auntie is taking you out the hospital now." He responded

I grabbed my phone and shoes and followed Harry down the stairs in a daze of confusion. So now I'm going home. Good, but what about... Ashlynn?

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