Just Think

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Hunter's POV:

I stood there against the wall, hoping that this wouldn't be the day that I'd die. The man passed the corner and looked at me. "Trying to escape eh?" He smirks and punches me in the gut, making blood drip from my mouth.

I fell on the floor and started to cry. Ash walked out the room and sat next to me. She sits me up and hugs me. "Stop it! You can't do this!" She yells holding my hand. "He was trying to escape and you know what I said." The man retorts.

Ash looks at him and looks down at me. "He wasn't..." I get up and she helps me to her room. She closed the door, and turns on the light. I look at her and she wiped the blood off my cheek. "How could you let him do this to you..?" She whispers.

I shrugged my shoulders and groaned from the pain in my stomach. He kicked me really hard and I couldn't stop myself from protecting Ashlynn. "I had... to protect you..." Ashlynn hugged me and I kissed her cheek. "You really do care..." She whispered looking at me.

The door opened and the man was standing there. I pushed Ashlynn behind me and laid on the floor, still feeling nauseous. The man walked up to us and looked straight dead into my eyes.

"You need to come with me, now." He ordered. I tried to get up, once I did I looked at Ashlynn and smiled. She just frowned and scaredly looked at the man. Hopefully, I'd come back safe and fine for her. If I didn't, what could I do?

~Ashlynn's POV~

I sat in the cold room alone, with no Hunter to hug me and keep me from freaking out. I couldn't believe his aunt didn't realize that he was gone, but I'm pretty sure they didn't care. For me, no one really realized, cause I was all alone.

Now I just want to be alone instead of with people. I just want to lock myself up in my own room, with a cold temperature and die. Isn't it gonna happen anyway? Who cares, obviously not me. If I die there's less to worry about, cause there's nothing to do. But for Hunter, he'd be depressed.

Anyway, I sat in the farthest corner, crying into my knees. What if Hunter was hurt, badly? That's when something bursted through my door and dropped on the floor. The door closed and I saw someone on the floor.

I ran over to them and pushed then on their face, only to see Hunter in tears. I scream his name and start to cry. I shined a light on his face from the window and touched it lightly. He had scars and bruises all over him. I whispered his name and he looked at me. He touched my wet face and smiled. "I always loved seeing you in tears..."

Hunter hugged me and I started pouring tears. This couldn't be the end. I didn't want it to be, but what if it was...? "No Hunter... Please don't leave, please don't go, please don't die on me... I just want you to stay here for me, and be there for..." I cut myself off and cried against Hunter's chest. "Me..." He finished letting go.

"Why.... why do we have to be like this? Why do our lives have to be in dnager everywhere we go?" I asked crawling back to the corner. Hunter followed me, and I put my head down. He sat in front of me and held my hands. "Don't worry. We're in this together, and no one can break us apart... I promise.." He whipsered.

I know he was scared too, I could see it in his eyes, but he was trying to keep me alive and not scared. I really didn't want to say anything after that. I just wanted everyone to go away and leave me alone. Especially Hunter. I loved him and all, but I just needed time to myself...

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