Hidden Thoughts

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Ok umm sorry, but half of these chapters are gonna be just Hunter telling the story like this one but Idk yet! Enjoy!

Hunter's POV:

I got to the dinner before Ashlynn and her stupid boyfriend did. And when they got there, Ashlynn looked a little depressed. What was Cornelius doing to her?!

I sat at a table and I looked at Ashlynn. She was stirring her ice around in the cup, not paying attention to any word Cornelius was saying. I think her feelings were falling for him, but I was still sad.

We both crosses eyes and she smiled at me, while blushing a little bit. She winked and texted me.

Ashlynn: "hey are you okay?" She asked. You: "yeah don't ask. I'm just pissed." I replied. We both looked at each other and I started to cry.

Ashlynn: "Hunter plz don't cry. I can't stand to see you like this.. :(" She kept looking at me and I just kept my eyes off her.

You: "Its just that, you left me for him and now-" Ashlynn interrupted me with a kiss on the lips and I could see her burning face. My phone dropped and I couldn't pick it up, so I kissed her back.

I couldn't believe that she still had feeling for me! I was so happy, but I think that I was blushing too much.

Ashlynn finally pulled away and was smiling. I had a red face and my whole body was burning. "...." I couldn't get words out my mouth or anything. I didn't know what was wrong with me.

"Hey, Hunter..?" I looked up at Ashlynn and smiled. "Meet me outside, okay? I really don't have a ride home, and Cornelius still thinks that I'm in love with him." She whispered. I smiled and nodded my head.

"Good. We'll walk home together." She finished. I nodded my head once more and Ashlynn went back to her table.

I guess she still loved me, and now I regret everything I did. How was I supposed to keep these hidden things inside me?

After the date, I met up with Ashlynn outside. She looked freezing, so I took off my jacket, revealing all my scars and handed it to her. 

She put the sweater on and looked at me. "I'm sorry, Ashlynn. I went crazy after you left me for that girlfriend stealer. I just couldn't stop myself." I explained.

I sat down on the bench and she touched  my arm. "Hunter.. I'm so sorry, but you don't remember me helping you when you cut yourself two days ago?" She asked.

I looked at my right arm and smiled. "Yeah, I guess. Thank you.." Ashlynn blushed and so did I.

Then, her head "accidentally" touched my shoulder, and our hands stuck to each other. Her hand was so warm, meanwhile my hand is cold ice, but I was still happy.

I looked at Ashlynn's hand noticed that she still had her ring on. I smiled and she looked at me. "Umm... have you had it on the whole time?" I asked, with a little mutter in my voice.

Ashlynn grabs my hand and she walks me to her house. "Of course Hunter. I love you no matter what and I can never let that go." I smiled and blushed a little. "Thanks Ash.."

~Ashlynn's POV~

When we got to my house, we went up to my room and started laughing. Why? Because we were dancing in the rain while running home. It was fun and the best.

I actually felt like it was a continued date, even though me and Hunter never been on a date before.

My thought ended, when I was suddenly picked up and brought outside. I was on Hunter's shoulders and he was smiling into my eyes. I felt safe around Hunter, always.

"So... did that Cornelius guy do anything to you?!" Hunter curiously asked, putting me down and scrunching his hands. "Actually..."

My hands go behind my back and I looked down. A tear rolls down my eyes and I fall on the floor. Hunter runs over to me and I just keep crying.

I tell him everything Cornelius did to me and the things I've found. After that, Hunter scrunched up his fists and grew mad. I think he wanted to get back at Cornelius for his craziness.

Hope you guys like it! Oh and one more thing, plz don't put up negative comments with bad words plz! Thank you! =}

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