Chapter 9

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{Lucy POV}

" this is Sting..." I said, rubbing the back of my head. "He's my partner for a project..."


"Phew! I thought this was your boyfriend." Zeref said. I face went red with embarrassment.

"Yeah. Me too." Mr. Dragneel said. "No one messes with my daughter!"

Sting smiled slightly.

"He can stay for a little bit, right?" I asked them.

"Of course, Lucy. Just make sure to go home early so that your parents don't worry, alright?"

"Thank you." Sting said.

"Thank you!" I said and led him to my room. I opened the door, and brought an extra chair over.

"So. What type of food should we bring?" I asked Sting, taking out a notebook and a pen.

"Hm...not sure..."

"We should make the food ourselves instead of asking someone else to make it for us." I suggested, titling the page.

"What's a food that everyone likes? Maybe that can win us some popularity points?"

"I was actually thinking of going for food that isn't very well known, to make us unique, you know?" I asked, randomly doodling the title.

"Hm...maybe that can work too." He said, taking out his phone. "We need some ideas."

"Try searching up snacks, not meals." I said, leaning a bit closer to see his screen.

(After a bit of researching)

"Nope. Can't find anything." I slumped down in my chair. He laughed as he poked my shoulder.


"A little."

Suddenly, a thought popped into my head.

"Wait!" I said, jumping up. "Unique! We have to be unique!"


"So let's be unique!" I said, looking at him with excitement in my eyes.

"We were trying to be unique for the past hour and a half." He said, looking confused.

"Everyone is obviously going to be bringing American food. It's, like, the most popular country overseas right now, right?" I asked, and he nodded. "Everyone's going to be bringing foods from far away. How about we just make it easy and borrow from a neighbor?"

He smiled. "Ohhh. I see what you're trying to say." He typed something in his phone, and clicked a bunch of things. "You mean this?" He pushed his screen into my face, and I blinked.

"Yakgwa?" I pronounced the pronunciation. "Well, I was thinking of kimchi, or something, but yeah! That works."

"You're a genius." He said, writing it down.

"I know the perfect drink to go along with it." He said, scrolling down. "This!"


"No. It's pronounced shikhe."

"Oh, I see. You know how to make it?"

"Well, we have the internet for a reason!" He said, and I nodded.

"We've got the ideas, and now we just need to make them. Then we should design how we're going to set it up, and buy the materials." I said, writing everything down.

"And we have 4 days to do it!"

"Yes!" I said, and we high-fived.

"Well then, now that we know what to do, we should assign jobs." He said. "I'll take care of the materials, like cups and plates."

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