Chapter 12

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{Lucy POV}

"And always make sure that he treats you properly, ok?" Zeref said. I sighed.

"Zeref, I'm just hanging out with my friend! It's not a date." I said, crossing my arms.

"You certainly look like you're going on a date."

"It's just a dress! Whatever." I said.

"I wouldn't wear a dress to a date if I was a girl." Zeref said.

"But you're not a girl." I said. "Besides, doesn't your girlfriend wear a dress, like all the time?"

"Mavis is not my girlfriend!" Zeref said, pouting. I laughed.

"Sure, whatever."

"I'm just saying, be careful."

"Alright, alright!" I said. "You don't have to be so worried, Nii-Chan!"

I gasped as I covered my mouth. Zeref started at me, wide-eyed.

"I-I mean—"

"This is definitely the best day of my life!" Zeref said, a smile forming on his face. "You just called me Nii-Chan!"

"That-It was an accident!"

"Carry along! Go to your little date!"

"It's not a—Ughhh!"


I left the room.

"Even adoptive brothers can get annoying..."

I closed the house door behind me.


"Oh, you're out—"

He stared at me. I felt the heat rise in my cheeks.

"S-Stop staring!"

"You look really nice." He said, blinking fast. I smiled slightly.

"You-You too."


"Why are you here?"

"Uh, it's proper etiquette to pick up the lady, Lucy. Duh." He said, and linked his arms with mine. "Let's go!"

We went to the mall.

Then we went to a cafe.

Then a library.

Then a music store.

It was a hectic day.

"So, why'd you want to hang out?"

He stopped me.

"Lucy, I want you to listen to me very carefully, okay?" I blinked twice. Was something bad happening.

"Look, Lucy, you've been an awesome friend to me ever since we met."

A friend.


"And, well, I don't want to be friends anymore."

My heart sunk.

"Um..." I felt the tears forming.

"I want to be more than friends." He pulled me close, and before I knew it, we were kissing.

We were KISSING.

"Do you..." He pulled away. "Would you like to be mine?"

I was frozen from shock.


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