Chapter 17

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{Lucy POV}

Just dress casually, so it looks like we're just hanging out.

Easy for Natsu to say. 

It was the day of our 'date', and I was having a hard time choosing an outfit that looked 'Casual'. 

I've told my friends about it, and they seemed excited. 

Yup! Nothing more exciting than going on a date with your brother!

Please note the sarcasm. And yes. 100% of it was sarcasm. 

"Lucy!" I flinched. 

"You guys!" 

Erza, Lisanna, and Levy were at my door. 

"Soooo, did you pick what you were going to wear for lover boy?"

"Shh!" I dragged them in and shut the door. 

"So? Did you? Did you?"



I looked at their excited faces, confused. 


"Come here, come here, come here!" 

They dragged me into the closet, and forcefully changed me. 

"Hey, what the—!"

When I came out of the closet, I was in a white shirt, a cardigan draped over it. A light, fluttery scarf adorned my neck, reaching my waist. Under jean shorts, I had leggings. 

And mind you, the jean-shorts were short. Like, up to my butt, short. 

"Perfect!" I looked at the mirror. 

"And these bad boys should finish the look." Lisanna took out brown boots, with a small heel. 

"You guys...bought this for me?"


I had to hold back tears, these people were the best. I hugged them tightly. 

"Thank you guys, so much!" 

"Anything for you, girl!"

I tied my hair into a high ponytail, with side bangs in the front. 

"Perfect!" They squealed. 

"Hey, you ready—?"

I turned around, and had to hold in gasp. 

I'm about to sound so weird right now. 

My brother is HOT. 


Maybe it was because I hated him so damn much that I didn't notice, but he has a built body, and a very cute face. My face turned red. 

He wore a red sweater, with black pants. Casual can't get any more casual.

{Natsu POV}

She's pretty. 

Really, really pretty. 

"Looks like you're ready. Let's go." 

She waved to her friends, and we left the house. 

"So...where are we going?" Lucy asked. 

"You wanna eat?" I asked. 


We walked to a restaurant, and sat at a table. 

"Woah..." She said, amazed at the food. 

"What, is it your first time seeing food or something?" I teased. She smiled. 

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