Chapter 10

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{Lucy POV}

I closed the door behind me quickly, like I was being chased.

Why did he care about my letters?

I sat on the bed.

I tried to think of reasons. It still didn't make sense to me.

"Ugh, whatever. Focus on the project, the project!" I got up and started to write stuff down and search things up.

"Yakgwa..." I said, and searched it up. I wrote down the ingredients and the steps.

(After about 2 hours)

By this time, I was reading a book, and listening to music.


I flinched, and heard laughter.

"Lucy, I was calling you for 5 minutes!" Zeref said, setting the earbuds down. "We're eating dinner."

I smiled sheepishly. "Oh, I'm sorry."

He smiled. "No problem!"

He linked our arms playfully and led me downstairs. I quickly unlinked our arms.

"Lucy! Did Sting leave already?" Mrs. Dragneel asked. I nodded as I got the utensils.

"He left a while ago." I said, and everyone sat down.

"Thank you for the meal." Zeref said, and started to eat. We ate curry for dinner tonight.

"So, have any ideas?" Mr. Dragneel asked. I nodded.

"A few, actually. We're going for a more unique culture, Korean." Mrs. Dragneel nodded and smiled.

"That's an amazing idea!"

We ate in silence. But it wasn't awkward silence. We were too busy inhaling our food.

"Say, Zeref's birthday is coming up." Mrs. Dragneel said. I looked up from my food.

"Oh, Mom, not this again..."

"We were thinking that maybe we can spend some time as a family." Mrs. Dragneel said. "You know, eat dinner, go to the beach, and just have fun."


"I think that's a great idea." Mr. Dragneel said.

"Yup, Mhm, good idea, yeah." Zeref agreed immediately. I had to hold in a laugh.

"Um, if you don't mind, how old are you turning?" I asked him.

"Oh, I don't mind. I'm turning 22."

"Ah, I see. I need to prepare a gift." I said, clapping my hands together.

"Oh, you don't have to—"

"Yes, I must!" I said, putting my plate in the sink and sitting back down. "And I will."

He laughed. "Well then, thanks."

I smiled back.

"It is settled, then!" Mr. Dragneel said.

(Time skip, Zeref's birthday)

"Happy birthday!" We cheered.

Zeref blew out the candles.

"Bro, happy births." Natsu said. He handed Zeref a box with a bow tie on it. When he unwrapped it, it was a brand new book.

"Aw, thanks little bro." Zeref squeezed Natsu, who squirmed until he was released.

"Happy birthday, son!" Mr and Mrs Dragneel both handed him boxes.

"Mom! You got me a drone!"

"Well, you've always said you've wanted one." They hugged.

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