Chapter 20

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{Lucy POV}

"It's ok. Just go through here." I said, guiding her feet and hands. 

"Mommy, what are we doing here?" 

"You'll see." I replied. 

"Daddy, my legs hurt." 

"Upsy daisies." Natsu carried him on his back. 

"Alright, we're here." 

"Mommy, what is this?" 

"Can you read the stone for me, Nashi?"

"Layla Heart—Heartfylia?"


"That's your last name!"

"It is, Nashi."

"Who is this, Mommy?" Nashi asked. I crouched, so that I was eye level with her. 

"It's you grandmother." I said. 

"My grandma is a rock?"

I laughed. "No, silly. She's an angel." I said. 

"An angel? So she went to heaven?" Nashi asked. "You told me that'd where everyone goes when the other angels wanted a new friend." 

"Quite, Nashi. The angels wanted your grandma, so they took her." I said. Nashi looked down. 

"I wanted to meet Grandma." 

"She's watching over you." I said, tapping her nose. 

"I know!" Nashi turned around. "Hey Grandma! It's me, Nashi! I'm your oldest granddaughter!"

I smiled. 

"Did you know? Mommy and Daddy were once brother and sister! Like me and Jude!"


"Eep! Maybe I told her?"

I sighed. 

"Mommy, why is Grandma's stone here?" 

I smiled. "It's a very special place." I said. "Your grandpa should be in another place." 

"Is he friends with the angels too?"

I nodded my head. "They took him too." 

"Aww." Nashi said. "No fair! I want to be friends with Grandma and Grandpa!"

"Cmon, Jude." 

"But Daddy!"

"Jude! Come and get me!" They ran down the fields. Natsu appeared behind me and interlocked his fingers with mine. 

"Remember when you first brought us here?"

"Of course I do. It was Zeref's birthday, wasn't it?"

"Mhm. And you showed me your mom's grave." 

"Fond memories."

"Your last name was Dragneel back then. Then it changed, and then you became a Dragneel right after." 

"It's funny, isn't it?"

He laughed.

"I still can't believe you! Why would you tell Nashi that I was once your sister?"

"It's interesting! Imagine we adopted a son, and he ended up marrying Nashi!"

I smiled at the thought. "That would be funny. But still!"

"Alright, alright. Sorry." 

"So, did you start your research?"


"You know, about your real mom."

Natsu nodded. "I've started, but it's pretty hard. I've got a few clues of where she might be, but I'm not sure. Mom is actually helping." 

"That's good! I get to meet her soon." 

Natsu smiled. 

"You know what I just realized?"


"I gave you this scarf how many years ago, and you're still wearing it?"

"What? It's special to me." 

"Mommy! Daddy! Jude climbed the tree!"

"Oh dear." We ran to the tree, and saw Jude. 

"Mommy! Daddy!" He wailed, crying. "I'm scared!"

"It's okay! Daddy's here." Natsu climbed the tree, and carried Jude down. 

"See? It's all easy." 

"Yay!" He hugged Natsu's leg. 

"Alright, go along and play."

I smiled as the kids ran off. 

"Remember when you used to hate my guts?" I asked, as if we were never interrupted. 

"Oh, yeah. Those were funny moments." 

"It wasn't! You were the trigger to my anxiety disorder, you know!"

"Well, you don't have it anymore, so that's good, right?"

"Oh, whatever." 

We had a little picnic, and went home. 

As I was washing the dishes, there was a knock on the door. 

"I'll get it!" 

Nashi ran to the door and opened it. 

"Uncle Zeref!" 

"Ah, my little bundle of goofiness!" 

Nashi laughed. 

"Nii-Chan!" Natsu went to the door. "What are you doing here?"

"Stopping by." He said. They let him in. I turned off the water and gave him a hug. 

"Hey, Zeref!"

"Hey Lucy!"

The kids went to sleep quickly. 

"So, how's your research going?"

"It's going ok, I guess." Natsu said. "Not a lot of clues." 

We talked for a bit, before he left.

"Say hi to Mavis and Larcade and August for us!" 

"Ok, bye!"

"Let's sleep." 

"Yeah, I'm tired." 

As we climbed into bed, Natsu wrapped his arms around me.

"Remember our first kiss?"

My face turned red. "Yes." 

"That was probably the best day of my life." 

"The best day of my life was when I met you." I said, poking his arm. 

"Awww, how sweet."

"I can be very charming and sweet if I try." 

He laughed, and we fell into a blissful slumber. 

Thanks for reading!

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