Chapter 15

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{Lucy POV}

"Liar...liar..." I repeated. My thoughts were sluggish. 

Saying the word, "Liar", practically became a ritual. How long has it been? How much time has passed?

"Lucy, please! Open the door. You've been in there for a week!" Came the pleading cries of my family. 

Was life really worth it? Should I just die? I mean, Sting did abandon me for a much better girl...

Maybe she's right. Maybe I am just scum. If only I had killed myself 2 days ago...

"Lucy!" Natsu's voice was heard. I was on the floor, on my side. 

So, it's been a week. 

A week wasted of my already wasted life. 

I tried to open my eyes, but failed to do so. 

They were stinging like crazy. 


The blonde came into my head again, but I was so tired, the only sound I was able to make was a small whimper. 

{Natsu POV}

"That's it." I said. I was fed up with constantly banging on the door, waiting for her to come out. 

"I'm going through the window." I said, running outside. 

"Natsu, no!"

"You want her out, don't you?" 

I grabbed the highest ladder and set it at her window. 

When I climbed to the top...

"It's unlocked." I said, my breath hitching. I was able to see Lucy again. 

Ok, so maybe I had a crush on my sister. 

But she's not my sister!


I climbed through the window, making sure to steady the ladder. 

"Natsu! Are you in there?" 

"Yes! Hold on!" 

I looked around the room. 

It was coated with dust. 

I looked at the floor, and saw her. 


She looked terrible. She looked so skinny, skinnier than she always was. 

"Natsu! Open the door!" 

I opened the door and quickly ran to Lucy. Her breathing was weak. She was trembling, and her eyes were closed. 

"Lucy..." I lifted her up. 

"Liar...liar..." She kept muttering. 

"She must've had a panic attack." Zeref said. "That's not good." 

He ran out, and came back with a bunch of stuff. 

When I examined her body, my breath hitched again. 

"Blood..." I looked around, and sure enough, there was a knife on the floor, covered with blood. 

"You didn't..." I looked at wrist, and there were cuts, messily wrapped with bandages. 

"Zeref, hurry, please!" Mom said, crying. 

"I'm trying!" Zeref said. He quickly fed her something and wrapped her wounds. 

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