Chapter 14

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{Natsu POV}

"Lucy!" I ran after her, but she was really fast. 

She ran all the way home. 


She just ditched school. 

Whatever, I do it all the time. 

I heard Dad's voice. 

"Lucy, dear! What's wrong?" 

I quickly opened the door. Dad was sitting on the couch, the TV turned on. 

"Hey Dad! Bye Dad!" I said, waving ferociously. He blinked quickly, looking confused. 

"What's going on?" He asked, jogging after me. 

"No time to explain!" I yelled back, running up the stairs. 

Just as I reached her door, she slammed it shut, and it locked with a click!

"Dammit!" I yelled, punching the door. "Lucy! Open the door!" 

I heard a loud noise sliding down the door, and a small thump. Then I heard crying. 

"" Dad said, panting. 


"Slow down!"

"Well, I was just casually eating my lunch—"


"Sting was cheating on Lucy!" I yelled out. That made Lucy's crys louder. 

Dad was silent before raising his sleeves. 

"Where is that asshole? I'm going to go punch him and inject him with so many tranquilizers—"

"Dad! Language!"

"How dare he cheat on my daughter?" He roared. "Who does he think he is?"

"Not sure Dad, but try not to inject him with poison." I said, rolling my eyes. 

"Hey, tranquilizer isn't poison!"

"It will be if you inject enough, Dad!" I sighed. "I'll try getting her out, so just don't tell anyone until they come home, ok?"

"Hmph. You sure?"

"Yes! Now go back to watching your Kardashian show!" 

He grumbled. "Fine."

I turned back to the door. 

"Lucy, open this damn door!" I said, knocking on it. 



"I don't want to hear anything right now! Go away, goddammit!" She yelled out, her voice was cracking, and frustration laced her words. 

She's never screamed at me like that before. 

Now that I've realized, she's been kind of nice. 

She even made me a striped scarf for Christmas, and now I never take it off. 

"Lucy, you have to open this door! I'm not trying to be annoying right now—"

I heard a scream. At first, I thought she was in danger, so I panicked. 

"Lucy, what's wrong? Why did you scream?!"

"Because you won't leave me alone!" She yelled out, her voice now hoarse. Then I realized she was screaming from sadness and frustration. 

"Please! Please..." I heard a thump. "Leave me alone..."

{Lucy POV}

Words couldn't express how tightly my heart was clenched right now. 

I just screamed out, but it didn't release the tension. 

I fell to the floor, hugging a picture of us. 

"You lied..." I said to it. "You lied..."

Then I heard a thump outside my door. 

 "I'm going to stay right here until you open this damn door." Natsu's voice said. 

At first, I got annoyed, but I didn't care. I stared down at the smiling Sting. 

"You liar. Freak. Whore." I said, ripping it to pieces. "You...You betrayer!" 

I threw my pillow across the room. Then my heart clenched tighter, and I sobbed, hugging myself. 

"You liar..." I said. "You horrible person..."

Why can't I stop loving you?

Sorry for the short chapter😣😣

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